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There are 4 comments on Eyewitness to Terror

  1. I was one of the medical volunteers by the finish line. To those of you who jumped in, thank you. I was told to get the crossing runners back, assisting an older runner who had been surrounded by the generic volunteers for physical support, quickly calling for a wheel cheer he collapsed into the chair. Making sure he was conscious and not disoriented I and the other med volunteer carried him to tent b talking to him. After texting my loved ones I ran back to assist more runners. By that time, bostons finest jumped in. So I tip my hats to your bravery, you are heros… boston is a city of heros and we shall not falter amid the face of adversity and terror staring us down. I’m proud to have volunteered next to the people in this article!

    Sent from my android, please forgive brevity, grammar, and spelling mistakes

      1. thank you – that means a lot. I will never forget the images that have forever been planted in my memory… my heart, thoughts, and prayers are with all those who suffered… and their families. Boston, on April 15, 2013 we are all heroes. Including you Garrett. Thank you for your support. I wear my White volunteer jacket as a tribute to those who suffered – I honor you today… and ALL the runners, BAA staff, all personnel who responded, families, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, doctors, nurses, teachers, students… ALL citizens of Boston… to all Citizens of the world. Wear the Marathon apparel with pride – and thank you to all for your continued support!

    1. Incredible story of heroism Robert. I had a few aquaintinces from Canada running in the marathon and they have been sharing some scary memories about what happened.

      Hearing stories like yours though helps brings hope and restore faith in humanity

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