Browser Recommendations
For maintaining stability and security with BUworks, the following browsers are recommended (please check compatibility with other applications you use):
- Google Chrome (latest version)
- Firefox ESR * Latest Extended Support Release
- Safari and Microsoft Edge may work for your BUworks tasks but are not currently part of BUworks testing protocols.
System Recommendations
The recommended system configurations for use with BUworks are:
- Windows 7 through 10
- Mac OS X 10.10 through OS X 10.13
Please note that faculty and staff are eligible to run the most current and complete version of Windows on BU-owned machines, as outlined by the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. Windows is not available for personally-owned machines. Mac OS X is available through Sourcing.
- Make sure you have reviewed the Browser and System Requirements outlined above.
- If you use Microsoft Edge, check the version of Java on your computer and update if necessary. Note: Firefox and Chrome no longer use Java in conjunction with SAP.
- Visit the Java test page.
- A box should appear saying, “Your Java is working.” If it does not, please use the Get Help icon at the top of this page to submit a request for assistance.
- Check the line titled Version. Your computer should be configured with the latest version (Java SE 8 Update 161 as of this writing). If you do not have this version or higher of Java installed, please click the Get Help icon at the top of this page.
- Configure your Pop-up Blocker Settings as described below.
- If and ONLY IF you are using a Mac, make sure to update your Adobe Flash Player to the most recent version.
- You can check your Adobe Flash version and, as needed,
- Upgrade by downloading from Adobe.
Pop-up Blocker Settings
BUworks requires adjustments to your pop-up blocker settings.