Janice Furlong

Clinical Professor Emerita


• Development and evaluation of student-centered teaching methods

• Collaborative therapy with multi-stressed families

• Narrative therapy and other models that privilege the voice of clients

• Implications of resiliency research for treatment of youth and adults living with trauma, depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders

• Clinical supervision

• Inter-professional collaboration

• Gender bias in clinical practice

Janice Furlong

faculty details


Janice Furlong’s practice and scholarly interests include social work teaching effectiveness, development and evaluation of learner-centered teaching methods, interprofessional collaboration, narrative therapy, gender bias in clinical practice and clinical supervision.

A gifted teacher, Furlong is a four-time recipient of BUSSW’s Teaching Excellence Award. In 2015, she received Boston University’s highest teaching award, the Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching. In 2019, she was invited to present “Teaching Through Feedback: A Learner-Centered, Process Oriented Approach” at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Teaching Institute for Early Career Faculty.

Furlong serves as the Social Work Project Collaborator on a Health Resources Service Administration (HRSA) grant, “Interprofessional Primary Care Training for Urban Underserved Communities.” She joined the PI and fellow leadership team members in co-authoring an article, “Interprofessional education in the clinical learning environment: a mixed-methods evaluation of a longitudinal experience in the primary care setting,” published in 2022 in the Journal of Interprofessional Care. She is also co-author of an article “Teaching Social Work Students About Alcohol and Other Drug Use Disorders: From Faculty Learning to Pedagogical Innovation” and author of “Learning to Incorporate AOD Content into Social Work Education: An Interview with Miesha T. Marzell, Ph.D.,” both of which appeared in the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.

An accomplished clinician with more than 40 years of practice experience, Furlong continues to work with individuals and families in her psychotherapy practice and to provide clinical supervision to community-based social workers.


BA (Psychology)

Duke University

MSW (Clinical Practice)

Simmons College


HB 723 Adult Psychopathology: A Social Work Perspective
CP 781 Clinical Assessment and Intervention
CP 799 Brief and Time-Effective Treatment
CP 785 Family Therapy
CP 770 Clinical Practice with Individuals
SSW 908 Doctoral Teaching Seminar: Theory and Techniques
GMS MH 705 Psychopathology (BU School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Medical Sciences)
GMS MH 902 Clinical Practicum Seminar (BU School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Medical Sciences)
GMS MH 921 Clinical Internship Seminar (BU School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Medical Sciences)


HB 723 Adult Psychopathology: A Social Work Perspective
CP 781 Clinical Assessment and Intervention
CP 799 Brief and Time-Effective Treatment
CP 785 Family Therapy
CP 770 Clinical Practice with Individuals
SSW 908 Doctoral Teaching Seminar: Theory and Techniques
GMS MH 705 Psychopathology (BU School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Medical Sciences)
GMS MH 902 Clinical Practicum Seminar (BU School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Medical Sciences)
GMS MH 921 Clinical Internship Seminar (BU School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Medical Sciences)


Miselis, H. H., Zawacki, A., White, S., Yinusa-Nyahkoon, L., Mostow, C., Furlong, J., Mott, K., Kumar, A., Winter, M.R., Berklein, F., & Jack, B. (2022) Interprofessional education in the clinical learning environment: a mixed-methods evaluation of a longitudinal experience in the primary care setting. Journal of Interprofessional Care. DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2022.2025768

Salas-Wright, C., Amodeo, M., Fuller, K., Mogro-Wilson, C., Pugh, D., Rinfrette, E., Furlong, J., & Lundgren, L. (2018) Teaching Social Work students about alcohol and other drug use disorders: From faculty learning to pedagogical innovation. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 18:1, 71-83.

Furlong J. (2018) Learning to incorporate AOD content into Social Work education: An interview with Miesha T. Marzell, Ph.D. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 18:1, 99-106.


Miselis, H. H., Zawacki, A., White, S., Yinusa-Nyahkoon, L., Mostow, C., Furlong, J., Mott, K., Kumar, A., Winter, M.R., Berklein, F., & Jack, B. (2022) Interprofessional education in the clinical learning environment: a mixed-methods evaluation of a longitudinal experience in the primary care setting. Journal of Interprofessional Care. DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2022.2025768

Salas-Wright, C., Amodeo, M., Fuller, K., Mogro-Wilson, C., Pugh, D., Rinfrette, E., Furlong, J., & Lundgren, L. (2018) Teaching Social Work students about alcohol and other drug use disorders: From faculty learning to pedagogical innovation. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 18:1, 71-83.

Furlong J. (2018) Learning to incorporate AOD content into Social Work education: An interview with Miesha T. Marzell, Ph.D. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 18:1, 99-106.


Furlong, J. & Coleman, F. T. (October 2021). Universal Design for Learning and Implicit Biases in Higher Education. Teaching Colloquium for faculty at the Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA

Miselis, H., Furlong, J., Zawacki, S., Yinusa-Nyahkoon, L.,& White, S. (October 2020). Supporting Boston in Wellness and Health with Community-Education Partnerships. Invited presentation for Boston University Institute for Health System Innovation and Policy/NEXUS, Boston, MA

Furlong, J. (October 2019) Teaching through feedback: A learner-centered, process-oriented approach. Workshop presented at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Teaching Institute for Early Career Faculty, Denver, Colorado.

Furlong, J. (September 2019). Pedagogical challenges and group dynamics in cohort model classrooms. Workshop for Just-a-Start Corporation, Cambridge, MA

Furlong, J. (August 2019). Vicarious resilience, vicarious traumatization, and self-care. Training for clinicians and supervisors at Advocates, Inc., Framingham, MA

Furlong, J. (October 2018). Working with low-income clients: From struggles to collaboration. Consultation and skills demonstration with case management staff. Combined Jewish Philanthropy’s Anti-Poverty Initiative, Newton, MA

Furlong, J. & Nolan, K. (September 2018). Mothering in poverty: Sean Baker’s “The Florida Project.” Discussant, film series sponsored by the Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Waltham, MA

Furlong, J. (June 2018). Working with “resistant” clients. Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Waltham, MA. Half-day training for clinicians and supervisors at JFCS agencies.

Miselis, H., Mostow, C., Furlong, J., Scott, L., White, S., & Zawecki, S. (May 2018). Moving from co-location to trans-disciplinary care: Development and implementation of an inter-professional clinic in a community health center. Seminar presented at STFM (Society of
Teachers of Family Medicine) Annual Conference, Washington D.C.

Furlong, J. (June 2018). Working with “resistant” clients. Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Waltham, MA. Half-day training for clinicians and supervisors at JFCS agencies.

Furlong, J. (June 2017) Application of pedagogical principles of taxonomy of significant learning and backward course design. . Half-day training modules presented for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Program for Social Work Faculty, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. (June 2017). Early recovery and preventing relapse. Half-day training modules presented for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Program for Social Work Faculty, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. (April 25, 2017) Trauma-informed care. Lecture presented to BU CHAMPS Inter- professional Learning Collaborative, South Boston Community Health Center, Boston, MA

Furlong, J. (March 21, 2017) Changing our attitudes about ‘resistant, non-compliant’ patients. Lecture presented to BU CHAMPS Inter-professional Learning Collaborative, South Boston Community Health Center, Boston, MA

Furlong, J. (February 28, 2017). Solution-focused intervention with people who misuse substances. Lecture presented to BU CHAMPS Inter-professional Learning Collaborative

Furlong, J. (2017, February). Women’s leadership in academia. Panel member, presentation for international student participants in the Young Women’s Leadership Tour, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, October). Family secrets. Grand Rounds presentation (Priscilla Aikenhead Memorial Lecture) at McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, June). Empathy for ourselves and our clients: Trauma-informed care in medical settings. Lecture presented to care coordinators, patient navigators, and social workers in Outpatient Primary Care Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, June). Expected and unexpected consequences and controversies in the DSM 5. Lecture presented to clinical staff at Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. & Ross, A. (2016, May). Solution-focused brief therapy and crisis intervention with children, adolescents, and adults, part 2. Half-day training presented to Social Work Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Ross, A. (2016, May). Solution-focused brief therapy and crisis intervention with children, adolescents, and adults, part 1. Half-day training presented to Social Work Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, April). “Who gets to decide if I’m a good enough mother?” Mother-blaming in clinical practice. Paper presented at NASW symposium, Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (2016, February). Challenges and strategies in episodic, outcome-informed and client-directed treatment, part 2. Lecture presented to Fenway Health Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (2016, January). Challenges and strategies in episodic, outcome- informed and client-directed treatment, part 1. Lecture presented to Fenway Health Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, November). The imposter syndrome. Lecture and guided discussion, Olin College of Engineering, Needham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, September). Family secrets. Grand Rounds presentation, Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Social Work, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, August). Vicarious resiliency, vicarious traumatization, and self-care in primary care health settings. Lecture presented to care coordinators, patient navigators, and social workers in Outpatient Primary Care Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, August). Psychological trauma in primary care settings. Lecture presented to care coordinators, patient navigators and social workers in Outpatient Primary Care Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, August). Controversies and changes in the DSM 5: Key updates for home-based and outpatient clinicians. Lecture presented to Family Continuity Programs, Peabody, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, May). Vicarious trauma: The cost of empathy. Lecture presented to Boston Medical Center, Social Work Department, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, November). The Power to name: Controversies and changes in the DSM 5. Workshop presented to Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (2014, September). Toxic secrets in blended families: Asghar Farhadi’s The Past. Discussant, film series sponsored by the Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Waltham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, May). Promoting social and emotional well-being in our teens. Panel discussion member, Parent-Teacher Organization program at F.A. Day Middle School, Newton, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, April). Mother-blaming in clinical practice: Can we stem the tide? Paper presented at NASW Symposium, Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, March). Controversies and key changes in the DSM 5. Workshop presented to clinical staff at YOU, Inc., Worcester, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, January). The cost of empathy: Vicarious traumatization. Lecture presented to the Brookline Community Mental Health Center, Brookline, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, November). DSM 5: Changes impacting clinical practice. Half-day workshop presented to the National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts Chapter; Weston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, September). Controversies and key changes in the DSM 5: The power to name. Grand Rounds presentation, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, August). The Power to name: Controversies in the DSM 5. Keynote address, National Social Work Month Conference, Boston Veteran’s Administration Healthcare System, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, June). Controversies and themes in the DSM 5. Grand Rounds presentation, Dana Farber & Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Department of Social Work, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, May). Children and adolescents: What’s new in DSM 5. Half-day training presented to Department of Mental Health, Child and Adolescent Services, Southeast Division, Massachusetts, Brockton, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, January). DSM 5: Controversies and revisions. Lecture presented to the Boston Medical Center Social Work Department, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2012, December). Interdisciplinary collaboration among mental health professionals. Panel discussion member, presentation for the New England Medical Students Psychiatric Student Interest Group Network; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2012, November). Mental health policy and the impact of DSM 5 revisions. Lecture presented at Harvard School of Public Health, for health policy students; Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2012, June). The power to name: Controversies and revisions in the DSM 5. Grand Rounds presentation, Dana Farber/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Social Work, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (April, 2012). Clinical and ethical dilemmas: Secrets in families and couples. Paper presented at NASW Symposium, Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2011, October). Vicarious traumatization: Risk and protective factors. Lecture presented to the Brookline Community Mental Health Center, Brookline, MA.

Furlong, J. (2011, March). Narrative therapy in action: Treatment of young adults in college counseling centers. Presentation to clinicians at Fitchburg State College Counseling Center, Fitchburg, MA.

Furlong, J. (2010, August). Motivational interviewing. Half-day workshop presented to clinical staff at Advocates, Inc., Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2010, April).“Take my advice, I’m not using it:” Personal and systemic risk factors for vicarious traumatization. Paper presented at NASW symposium, Massachusetts Chapter of National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2009, February). Vicarious traumatization: The cost of empathy. Grand Rounds presentation at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2008, November). Keeping secrets: Impact on couples therapy. Paper presented at Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Heath Alliance conference on Treating Couples, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2008, March). Understanding and treating self-Injury. Lecture presented to Cambridge Family and Children’s Services, Cambridge, MA.

Furlong, J. (2008, March). How to design and present effective workshops. Lecture at the Boston University Public Health Training Institute, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007, February). The “difficult” supervisee. Paper presented at Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance conference on Supervision, Cambridge, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007). Differential diagnosis with adults. Full day workshop presented for Boston University School of Social Work Professional Education Program, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007). Challenges in supervision. Grand Rounds presentation at the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007). New ideas on reframing resistance. Workshop presented for clinical staff at Advocates, Inc., Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2004). Introduction to narrative therapy. Full day workshop presented for Boston University School of Social Work Professional Education Program, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2004, April). Challenges in clinical supervision. Paper presented at NASW Symposium, Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.


Furlong, J. & Coleman, F. T. (October 2021). Universal Design for Learning and Implicit Biases in Higher Education. Teaching Colloquium for faculty at the Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, MA

Miselis, H., Furlong, J., Zawacki, S., Yinusa-Nyahkoon, L.,& White, S. (October 2020). Supporting Boston in Wellness and Health with Community-Education Partnerships. Invited presentation for Boston University Institute for Health System Innovation and Policy/NEXUS, Boston, MA

Furlong, J. (October 2019) Teaching through feedback: A learner-centered, process-oriented approach. Workshop presented at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Teaching Institute for Early Career Faculty, Denver, Colorado.

Furlong, J. (September 2019). Pedagogical challenges and group dynamics in cohort model classrooms. Workshop for Just-a-Start Corporation, Cambridge, MA

Furlong, J. (August 2019). Vicarious resilience, vicarious traumatization, and self-care. Training for clinicians and supervisors at Advocates, Inc., Framingham, MA

Furlong, J. (October 2018). Working with low-income clients: From struggles to collaboration. Consultation and skills demonstration with case management staff. Combined Jewish Philanthropy’s Anti-Poverty Initiative, Newton, MA

Furlong, J. & Nolan, K. (September 2018). Mothering in poverty: Sean Baker’s “The Florida Project.” Discussant, film series sponsored by the Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Waltham, MA

Furlong, J. (June 2018). Working with “resistant” clients. Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Waltham, MA. Half-day training for clinicians and supervisors at JFCS agencies.

Miselis, H., Mostow, C., Furlong, J., Scott, L., White, S., & Zawecki, S. (May 2018). Moving from co-location to trans-disciplinary care: Development and implementation of an inter-professional clinic in a community health center. Seminar presented at STFM (Society of
Teachers of Family Medicine) Annual Conference, Washington D.C.

Furlong, J. (June 2018). Working with “resistant” clients. Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Waltham, MA. Half-day training for clinicians and supervisors at JFCS agencies.

Furlong, J. (June 2017) Application of pedagogical principles of taxonomy of significant learning and backward course design. . Half-day training modules presented for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Program for Social Work Faculty, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. (June 2017). Early recovery and preventing relapse. Half-day training modules presented for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Program for Social Work Faculty, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. (April 25, 2017) Trauma-informed care. Lecture presented to BU CHAMPS Inter- professional Learning Collaborative, South Boston Community Health Center, Boston, MA

Furlong, J. (March 21, 2017) Changing our attitudes about ‘resistant, non-compliant’ patients. Lecture presented to BU CHAMPS Inter-professional Learning Collaborative, South Boston Community Health Center, Boston, MA

Furlong, J. (February 28, 2017). Solution-focused intervention with people who misuse substances. Lecture presented to BU CHAMPS Inter-professional Learning Collaborative

Furlong, J. (2017, February). Women’s leadership in academia. Panel member, presentation for international student participants in the Young Women’s Leadership Tour, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, October). Family secrets. Grand Rounds presentation (Priscilla Aikenhead Memorial Lecture) at McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, June). Empathy for ourselves and our clients: Trauma-informed care in medical settings. Lecture presented to care coordinators, patient navigators, and social workers in Outpatient Primary Care Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, June). Expected and unexpected consequences and controversies in the DSM 5. Lecture presented to clinical staff at Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. & Ross, A. (2016, May). Solution-focused brief therapy and crisis intervention with children, adolescents, and adults, part 2. Half-day training presented to Social Work Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Ross, A. (2016, May). Solution-focused brief therapy and crisis intervention with children, adolescents, and adults, part 1. Half-day training presented to Social Work Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2016, April). “Who gets to decide if I’m a good enough mother?” Mother-blaming in clinical practice. Paper presented at NASW symposium, Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (2016, February). Challenges and strategies in episodic, outcome-informed and client-directed treatment, part 2. Lecture presented to Fenway Health Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (2016, January). Challenges and strategies in episodic, outcome- informed and client-directed treatment, part 1. Lecture presented to Fenway Health Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, November). The imposter syndrome. Lecture and guided discussion, Olin College of Engineering, Needham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, September). Family secrets. Grand Rounds presentation, Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Social Work, Boston MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, August). Vicarious resiliency, vicarious traumatization, and self-care in primary care health settings. Lecture presented to care coordinators, patient navigators, and social workers in Outpatient Primary Care Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, August). Psychological trauma in primary care settings. Lecture presented to care coordinators, patient navigators and social workers in Outpatient Primary Care Department, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, August). Controversies and changes in the DSM 5: Key updates for home-based and outpatient clinicians. Lecture presented to Family Continuity Programs, Peabody, MA.

Furlong, J. (2015, May). Vicarious trauma: The cost of empathy. Lecture presented to Boston Medical Center, Social Work Department, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, November). The Power to name: Controversies and changes in the DSM 5. Workshop presented to Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (2014, September). Toxic secrets in blended families: Asghar Farhadi’s The Past. Discussant, film series sponsored by the Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Waltham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, May). Promoting social and emotional well-being in our teens. Panel discussion member, Parent-Teacher Organization program at F.A. Day Middle School, Newton, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, April). Mother-blaming in clinical practice: Can we stem the tide? Paper presented at NASW Symposium, Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, March). Controversies and key changes in the DSM 5. Workshop presented to clinical staff at YOU, Inc., Worcester, MA.

Furlong, J. (2014, January). The cost of empathy: Vicarious traumatization. Lecture presented to the Brookline Community Mental Health Center, Brookline, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, November). DSM 5: Changes impacting clinical practice. Half-day workshop presented to the National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts Chapter; Weston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, September). Controversies and key changes in the DSM 5: The power to name. Grand Rounds presentation, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, August). The Power to name: Controversies in the DSM 5. Keynote address, National Social Work Month Conference, Boston Veteran’s Administration Healthcare System, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, June). Controversies and themes in the DSM 5. Grand Rounds presentation, Dana Farber & Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Department of Social Work, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, May). Children and adolescents: What’s new in DSM 5. Half-day training presented to Department of Mental Health, Child and Adolescent Services, Southeast Division, Massachusetts, Brockton, MA.

Furlong, J. (2013, January). DSM 5: Controversies and revisions. Lecture presented to the Boston Medical Center Social Work Department, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2012, December). Interdisciplinary collaboration among mental health professionals. Panel discussion member, presentation for the New England Medical Students Psychiatric Student Interest Group Network; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2012, November). Mental health policy and the impact of DSM 5 revisions. Lecture presented at Harvard School of Public Health, for health policy students; Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2012, June). The power to name: Controversies and revisions in the DSM 5. Grand Rounds presentation, Dana Farber/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Social Work, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. & Gianino, M. (April, 2012). Clinical and ethical dilemmas: Secrets in families and couples. Paper presented at NASW Symposium, Massachusetts chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2011, October). Vicarious traumatization: Risk and protective factors. Lecture presented to the Brookline Community Mental Health Center, Brookline, MA.

Furlong, J. (2011, March). Narrative therapy in action: Treatment of young adults in college counseling centers. Presentation to clinicians at Fitchburg State College Counseling Center, Fitchburg, MA.

Furlong, J. (2010, August). Motivational interviewing. Half-day workshop presented to clinical staff at Advocates, Inc., Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2010, April).“Take my advice, I’m not using it:” Personal and systemic risk factors for vicarious traumatization. Paper presented at NASW symposium, Massachusetts Chapter of National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2009, February). Vicarious traumatization: The cost of empathy. Grand Rounds presentation at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2008, November). Keeping secrets: Impact on couples therapy. Paper presented at Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Heath Alliance conference on Treating Couples, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2008, March). Understanding and treating self-Injury. Lecture presented to Cambridge Family and Children’s Services, Cambridge, MA.

Furlong, J. (2008, March). How to design and present effective workshops. Lecture at the Boston University Public Health Training Institute, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007, February). The “difficult” supervisee. Paper presented at Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance conference on Supervision, Cambridge, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007). Differential diagnosis with adults. Full day workshop presented for Boston University School of Social Work Professional Education Program, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007). Challenges in supervision. Grand Rounds presentation at the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2007). New ideas on reframing resistance. Workshop presented for clinical staff at Advocates, Inc., Framingham, MA.

Furlong, J. (2004). Introduction to narrative therapy. Full day workshop presented for Boston University School of Social Work Professional Education Program, Boston, MA.

Furlong, J. (2004, April). Challenges in clinical supervision. Paper presented at NASW Symposium, Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Framingham, MA.


Social Work Project Collaborator (2016-2021) Inter-professional Primary Care Training for Urban Underserved Communities. HRSA (to BU Medical School). Funding: $130,000.

Co-Investigator (with Gianino, M.) (2020) A Pilot Study: Standardized Client Simulations in Assessment of Clinical Practice Competencies in Social Work. BU Office of Provost and BUSSW.


Social Work Project Collaborator (2016-2021) Inter-professional Primary Care Training for Urban Underserved Communities. HRSA (to BU Medical School). Funding: $130,000.

Co-Investigator (with Gianino, M.) (2020) A Pilot Study: Standardized Client Simulations in Assessment of Clinical Practice Competencies in Social Work. BU Office of Provost and BUSSW.

Professional Activities and Certifications

September 2020–Present: Guest Reviewer, Journal of Social Work Education, for COVID-19 Special Issue: “Teaching, Field Instruction, and Administration in the time of Pandemic or Natural Disaster

2008-Present: Private Practice, psychotherapy with adults, adolescents, children, and families.

2007-Present: Member, NASW Member to Member Supervision Program.

2008-2010: Member of the Advisory Board, Center for Social Innovation, Newton, MA.

2009-2010: Chair (elected position), NASW Nominating Committee, Massachusetts Chapter.

2008-2009: Co-Chair (elected position), NASW Nominating Committee, Massachusetts Chapter.

2007: Consultant, the Institute on Homelessness and Trauma, Newton, MA.

Certificate in Family Therapy: Intensive Program, Family Institute of Cambridge, Cambridge, MA.

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

Professional Activities and Certifications

September 2020–Present: Guest Reviewer, Journal of Social Work Education, for COVID-19 Special Issue: “Teaching, Field Instruction, and Administration in the time of Pandemic or Natural Disaster

2008-Present: Private Practice, psychotherapy with adults, adolescents, children, and families.

2007-Present: Member, NASW Member to Member Supervision Program.

2008-2010: Member of the Advisory Board, Center for Social Innovation, Newton, MA.

2009-2010: Chair (elected position), NASW Nominating Committee, Massachusetts Chapter.

2008-2009: Co-Chair (elected position), NASW Nominating Committee, Massachusetts Chapter.

2007: Consultant, the Institute on Homelessness and Trauma, Newton, MA.

Certificate in Family Therapy: Intensive Program, Family Institute of Cambridge, Cambridge, MA.

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

Awards and Honors

2021: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2015: Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching

2014: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2012: Nominee for Educator of the Year Award, Boston University School of Medicine

2009: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2007: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2006: Vice President’s Award for Outstanding Service, Wayside Youth & Family Support Network

2001: Outstanding Clinician Award, Wayside Youth & Family Support Network

Awards and Honors

2021: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2015: Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching

2014: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2012: Nominee for Educator of the Year Award, Boston University School of Medicine

2009: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2007: Teaching Excellence Award, Boston University School of Social Work

2006: Vice President’s Award for Outstanding Service, Wayside Youth & Family Support Network

2001: Outstanding Clinician Award, Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
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