
Special Session on Topics of Physics Related to Stochastic Electrodynamics


     This conference consisted of a one day session of presentations on stochastic electrodynamics (SED) held at Boston University on June 4, 2001, followed by an afternoon of discussion on June 6th. Approximately 20-25 scientists from around the world took part in these sessions. CIPA (California Institute of Physics and Astrophysics) sponsored this event. This workshop was held just prior to the much larger four day conference entitled, "7th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, ICSSUR 2001," held June 5-8, 2001, at the same location. The sponsors of this conference were IUPAP, CIPA, NASA, and BU. On Tuesday, June 5, most of the participants in Monday's SED workshop, plus many others, participated in an afternoon session at ICSSUR 2001, on Casimir effects. D. Cole organized the SED workshop and the ICSSUR Casimir session.


Millard Baublitz Velvel Hushwater Alfonso Rueda
Timothy Boyer Al Kracklauer James Slinkman
Alberto Casado Jordan Maclay Vlad Savchenko
Daniel Cole Trevor Marshall Roh Tung
Khaled Dechoum Umar Mohideen Max Wallis
Humberto Franca Harold Puthoff Yi Zou
Stephen Furkay L.J. Nikisch
Bernard Haisch Ramon Risco-Delgado


Speaker Topic Time
9:00 AM Dan Cole Welcome, introductions, & brief perspective on SED, and comments by B. Haisch 30
9:30 AM Trevor Marshall Why locality has become the central problem 30
10:00 AM Timothy Boyer The Semiclassical Explanation of the Matteucci-Pozzi and Aharonov-Bohm Phase Shifts 45
10:45 AM ------- Coffee break 15
11:00 AM Humberto M. Franca What We can Learn from a Classical Description of the Stern-Gerlach Phenomenon 30
11:30 AM Dan Cole Initial Simulation Investigation Probing the Nonlinear Behavior of the Classical Hydrogen Atom, by D. Cole and Yi Zou 30
12:10 PM ------- Lunch 1 hr. 10 min.
1:20 PM Hal Puthoff Discussion of Experiment Involving Lowering of Ground State Energy for Oscillator in Casimir Cavity 20
1:40 PM Alberto Casado Rodriquez A Local Hidden Variables Model Based on the Wigner Function Formalism for Parametric Down Conversion, by 
A. Casado, R. Risco Delgado, Trevor W. Marshall, and E. Santos
2:25 PM L.J. Nickisch Motion of Massless Charges 20
2:45 PM ------- Coffee break 15
3:00 PM Alfonso Rueda Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis I - Why it is so Reasonable 30
3:30 PM Roh Tung Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis II - How it is Tackled in General Relativity 25
3:55 PM Millard Baublitz Shortcomings of SED 15
4:10 PM ------- Further short talks, summaries of work, discussion of future activities 1 & 1/3 hr
5:30 PM ------- Need to end by 5:30, or change rooms -------

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