Export Control Training
Mandatory Training
- Export control training is required for all principal investigators and their lab members whose projects require a Technology Control Plan (TCP). A TCP is a living document that outlines the means by which information and technology controlled under ITAR, and in some circumstances, the EAR, will be protected.
- Export control training for PIs and their lab members associated with a TCP will be conducted in-person or remotely by the Export Control office at the inception of the TCP and at least annually thereafter.
- Work on export-controlled projects may begin only after training is completed.
Lab Inspections
- Labs subject to a TCP will be inspected at the inception of the TCP and at least annually thereafter to ensure the plan is being followed accurately.
- A lab inspection report will be completed by the Export Control office and presented to the PI. Lab inspections are pass/fail.
Recommended Training
- Although export control training is not required for research that does not require a TCP, it is highly recommended for individuals who work with or may be responsible for federally controlled devices, materials or technologies.
- Online export control training is available to all BU personnel. Please visit the CITI Program website to complete Boston University’s export control training.
- Visit the CITI Program website to register for training if you are new to CITI, or to log in if you have an existing account. Please be sure to select Boston University (Charles River Campus) when prompted.
- After logging in, select “Add a Course.”
- Drop down and select “Export Control and Export Control Refresher” and submit.
Training Available Upon Request
- Export control training for departments that conduct research in high-risk areas (e.g., space physics, chemistry, toxins, microorganisms, engineering, computing, biomedical research, etc.) is available upon request and conducted by the Export Control office.