Animal Use Training & Facility Access
Boston University has a mandatory training program, based on federal regulations and in accordance with the University’s Personnel Training and Qualifications Policy, which requires training for all animal users to ensure that they are qualified to work with and handle animals. All animal users are required to complete this training prior to working with animals, and the IACUC will not approve animal use applications until the training has been completed.
Mandatory Training for Access to BU ASC Facilities on Either Campus
1. Complete and Submit ROHP Health Questionnaire
The purpose of the health questionnaire is to establish a baseline medical history and perform a health risk assessment. The questionnaire should be completed before work begins by new hires, including contractors, students, and volunteers, who will perform research or provide support to or have access to areas where research is performed with animals, agents, and hazardous materials. Review and approval to enter the animal facility can take time to process and varies by individual. ROHP will send individuals an email directly let you know that you have been cleared to enter the animal facility. There is then an annual update required beginning one year after initial clearance.
2. IACUC Training
All individuals working with laboratory animals must complete IACUC training prior to being approved to work on an IACUC protocol. This will provide information on animal welfare regulations, PHS policies, and basic IACUC policies and standards. These courses are available online through SciShield.
BU IACUC Orientation
This one-time training is required of all principal investigators and personnel who will work with live vertebrate animals at BU and must be completed before an individual can be approved on an animal care and use protocol.
Working with the IACUC
This training is a requirement for all persons who will work with live vertebrate animals at BU. This course must be completed before an individual can be approved on an animal care and use protocol and every three years thereafter.
Go to SciShield
3. Complete Required SciShield Training
New Researcher Orientation
New Researcher Orientation is an online, mandatory SciShield training for all individuals working on either campus for access to the animal facility.
Lab Safety Training
Lab Safety Training is an online, mandatory SciShield training for all individuals working on either campus for access to the animal facility. Laboratory safety training is an annual requirement, beginning one year after initial training.
Additional safety classes may be required based on your scope of work. Classroom or online training options are available; all online safety classes can be completed in SciShield. Individuals need only take the modules pertaining to their work and the type of lab in which they work.
Go to SciShield
4. Ensure You're Listed on an IACUC-Approved Protocol
The principal investigator must list your information in the protocol (s) you will be working on – you cannot begin animal work or gain facility access until you are on an active, approved protocol.
5. Submit Security Access Application for Animal Facility Training Tour
After all the steps above are completed, submit a
Security Access Application online. Your information will be verified, and you will be contacted to set up a facility training tour.
Additional Training Required for Specific Protocol Work
Herpes B Virus/Working Safely with Non-Human Primates
This training is required for all animal care and research personnel working directly with non-human primates and/or non-human primate tissues. The training involves completing two online learning modules and then meeting with Vet Services for an SOP review and facility walk through. Please contact Vet Services,, for additional information on how to complete this course.
Medical Campus ABSL-2 training
TRAINING REQUIRED FOR ACCESS TO THE ABSL-2 ROOM W834 and Chemical Containment Room W839- Complete the OSHA Respiratory Medical Evaluation Questionnaire and submit to ROHP for N95 respirator clearance.
- Schedule N-95 respirator fit test after you receive clearance form ROHP. Fit tests are scheduled twice a month. Link below to fit testing schedule.
- After fit test, schedule an ABSL-2 orientation/tour for W834 and/or W839. Please contact BU ASC.
FIT Test Sign-Up Form
Vet Services offers regular trainings on animal handling and common techniques for working with rodents.
View upcoming trainings