Animal Use Training & Facility Access

Boston University has a mandatory training program, based on federal regulations and in accordance with the University’s Personnel Training and Qualifications Policy, which requires training for all animal users to ensure that they are qualified to work with and handle animals. All animal users are required to complete this training prior to working with animals, and the IACUC will not approve animal use applications until the training has been completed.

Mandatory Training for Access to BU ASC Facilities on Either Campus

1. Complete and Submit ROHP Health Questionnaire

2. IACUC Training

3. Complete Required SciShield Training

4. Ensure You're Listed on an IACUC-Approved Protocol

5. Submit Security Access Application for Animal Facility Training Tour

Additional Training Required for Specific Protocol Work


Herpes B Virus/Working Safely with Non-Human Primates

Medical Campus ABSL-2 training


Vet Services offers regular trainings on animal handling and common techniques for working with rodents.

View upcoming trainings

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