IS&T RCS Tutorial - Python Pretty Coding

  • Starts: 9:30 am on Friday, September 17, 2021
  • Ends: 10:30 am on Friday, September 17, 2021
In this intermediate tutorial, our aim is to introduce a set of tools to standardize, clean, and prettify Python code. Those tools include Flake8 and Black. In addition, we will see how those tools integrate into existing Integrated Development Environments (IDE) like Visual Studio Code. The potential benefit is that your code will be more consistent, clean, readable, bug-resistant, and yes, pretty. This will be a hands-on tutorial. While participation is encouraged, it is not necessary. We will be demonstrating our content through SCC OnDemand. We will provide temporary SCC accounts to participants who need them to access the SCC. We don’t encourage this but you can also use your own computer. Please make sure you can import standard packages such as NumPy in a Python IDE such as VSCode or Spyder. We will not be able to debug your computer, due to time constraints. Prerequisite: Prior knowledge of the Python programming language (such as writing loops and functions), Python libraries, software development/engineering, and use of IDEs are needed to make the most out of this session.
Online over Zoom; Registrants will be emailed Zoom link a few days before the tutorial
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