Congratulations to Class of 2024!
We are honored to have Professor Claudio Rebbi deliver the Convocation speech.
All Topics (February 1 through March 7)
Thursday, February 2
- 11:00 AM Physics Grad Council Meeting
Friday, February 3
- 11:00 AM Adrian Feiguin-Northeastern University: The quantum many-body problem in the age of machine learning
- 1:30 PM Yang-Mills and Classical Electromagnetism - Part I
Tuesday, February 7
Thursday, February 9
- 2:00 PM Macarena Lagos Gravitational Wave Cosmology Seminar
- 3:30 PM Kaitlin Salyer: Department Seminar- A Search for Flavor Changing Neutral Current Interactions of the Top Quark and Higgs Boson
Friday, February 10
Monday, February 13
Tuesday, February 14
Wednesday, February 15
Thursday, February 16
Friday, February 17
Tuesday, February 21
- All Day President's Day - No Colloquium
Wednesday, February 22
- 3:30 PM Ewan McCulloch-UMass: Full counting statistics of charge in chaotic many-body quantum systems
Thursday, February 23
- 2:00 PM Giovanni Cabass: New Physics from Galaxy Clustering
- 3:30 PM The Gildener-Weinberg Two-Higgs Doublet Model at Two Loops
Friday, February 24
Monday, February 27
- 1:00 PM Matt Lewandowski: Physics of and from the large-scale structure of the Universe
- 3:30 PM Pradip Gatkine, California Institute of Technology: Cosmic flows with Astrophotonics - Getting ready for the next-generation telescopes
Wednesday, March 1
Thursday, March 2
- 2:00 PM Nicholas Rodd: Echos of the Early Universe in Axion Haloscopes
- 4:00 PM Evan Owen, BU: Lattice simulation of the critical Ising model on a 2-sphere
Friday, March 3
- 11:00 AM CMT Seminar with Liuyan Zhao: Probing multipolar orders in quantum materials using nonlinear optics
- 1:00 PM Student Seminar
Tuesday, March 7
- All Day Spring Break - No Colloquium