Nadaa Taiyab

Visiting Fellow


B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A.L.D, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts Univeristy.


International development, environmental policy, non-profit management.

Nadaa Taiyab


As a Visiting Fellow at the Pardee Center, Nadaa Taiyab is researching the future of transportation in developing country cities. She has published research on the link between the voluntary carbon markets and sustainable development through the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Ms. Taiyab also co-authored “Global Environmental Governance: Practical Steps to Reform” and a negotiation simulation on global forest management and conservation for UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research). Ms Taiyab has consulted for Environmental Defense Fund on climate change advocacy in India. Additionally, she has contributed to a leading Indian business weekly magazine on climate change policy.

Ms Taiyab was recently a Fellow with the Acumen Fund. As part of her Fellowship, she headed a venture to launch a chain of high quality for-profit health clinics aimed at slums in Mumbai. In the past, she has worked in Indonesia for the World Bank on a project to promote private sector development in post-conflict areas and as a financial analyst for Goldman Sachs in New York. Ms Taiyab completed her undergraduate education in International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania and a Masters degree on business and environmental policy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.