Bas van Ruijven
Visiting Scholar
Proj. Scientist II, Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research /
MS, PhD, Utrecht University
Bas van Ruijven is Project Scientist II with the Integrated Assessment Modeling group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO. Bas holds an MSc in Environmental Science and a PhD in Energy Science from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His PhD thesis focused on modeling energy and development, especially dealing with the dynamics of developing countries in Integrated Assessment Models. Bas has been a visiting researcher at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, working on multi-agent models for energy use and climate change mitigation. He also stayed several months in India, at IGIDR, Mumbai and IISc Bangalore to develop a model for Indian household energy use. Between 2008 and 2011, Bas was Policy Researcher at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and worked on energy system modeling with the IMAGE integrated assessment model. He joined NCAR in September 2011 to work with the iPETS integrated assessment model.
Bas’ research interests cover a wide range of topics, from energy and technology scenarios to developing countries and climate change impacts. Applying the results of integrated assessment models, Bas has worked on projects such as the development of a low-carbon energy vision for Europe in 2050, a project on Policy Options to Engage Emerging Asian Economies in a post-Kyoto regime (POEM), the Asian Modeling Exercise (AME) and the Latin America Modeling Project (LAMP). Bas has been a lead author for UNEP’s Global Environmental Outlook 4 and the Global Energy Assessment. He also co-chairs the working group on “future scenarios for IAV indicators” of the International Committee On New Integrated Climate change assessment Scenarios (ICONICS).
During his stay at Boston University, Bas will work with Prof. Ian Sue Wing and Pardee Center Director Anthony Janetos on climate change impacts on household energy use and on energy transitions in developing countries. The plan is to develop a simple global economic model that will be used to explore different approaches to modeling climate change impacts and energy transitions.