Best Practices & Resources
- FirstGen Forward, the premier source of evidence-based practices, professional development, and knowledge creation for the higher education community to advance the success of first-generation students
- Five Ways to Better Support First-Generation Students, article from Brightspot
- Guides, from the BU Center for Teaching & Learning
- I’m First, a nonprofit that provides students who lack a family history of higher education with inspiration, information, and support on the road to and through college
- Inclusive Teaching in the Writing Classroom, from the BU Teaching Writing website
- Research Mentoring Best Practices, a downloadable guide from the BU Mentoring Training Program
- Rise First, over 1,200 curated resources to enable first-generation, low-income success
- Supporting First-Generation Students, article from Inside Higher Ed
- Teaching Remotely for Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion, from the BU Center for Teaching & Learning
- Teaching the Hidden Curriculum, inclusive teaching guides & tips
- First Day Toolkit, resources designed to help institutions engage instructors in revising their syllabi and other messages that students receive on the first day of class.