Tyler Perrachione

Assistant Professor, Developmental Disorders

  • Title Assistant Professor, Developmental Disorders
  • Phone 617-358-7410
  • Education Ph.D., Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    M.A., Linguistics, Northwestern University
    B.A., Linguistics and Cognitive Science, Northwestern University

Research Interests

  • Developmental disorders of language and reading (specific language impairment, dyslexia)
  • Human voice recognition and social auditory perception
  • Mechanisms of plasticity in human auditory cortex
  • Brain bases of complex auditory processing(including speech and voice perception)

Health Matters Virtual Conference

Dr. Perrachione provides an overview of the Communication Neuroscience Research Laboratory. Hosted by Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College, this presentation was a part of an online, virtual conference, “Health Matters,” which took place on September 17, 2015.

Courses Taught

  • KHC NE 102 Reading, Language, and the Brain
  • SAR SH 221 Phonetics
  • SAR SH 755 Applied Speech Science

Research Funding

  • Principal Investigator, Brain and Behavior Research Foundation; “Dysfunction of cortical systems for language and working memory in autism spectrum disorder” (NARSAD Young Investigator Award) January 2016 – January 2018
  • Principal Investigator, NIDCD “Neural bases of phonological working memory in developmental language disorders” (NIH R03 DC014045) July 2015 – June 2018

Selected Presentations

  • Lim, S.-J., Shinn-Cunningham, B., & Perrachione, T.K. (2017). “Effects of voice continuity and stimulus rate on auditory working memory.” Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience XV (Washington, DC, November 2017).
  • Haenchen, L., Daliri, A., Dougherty, S.C., Thurston, E.J., Chartove, J., Guenther, F.H., & Perrachione, T.K. (2017). “Sensorimotor adaptation to auditory perturbation of speech is facilitated by noninvasive brain stimulation.” 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (Boston, June 2017).
  • Scott, T.L., Dougherty, S.C., Choi, J.Y., & Perrachione, T.K. (2017). “The role of language-specific vs. domain-general systems in phonological working memory.” 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (Vancouver, June 2017).
  • Perrachione, T.K., Dougherty, S.C., Choi, J.Y., & Hu, E.R. (2016). “Noninvasive brain stimulation to facilitate foreign language speech-sound learning in low-aptitude learners.” 172nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (Honolulu, November 2016).

For a full list of presentations, click here.

Selected Publications

  • Perrachione, T.K., Ghosh, S.S., Ostrovskaya, I., Gabrieli, J.D.E., & Kovelman, I. (2017). “Phonological working memory for words and nonwords in cerebral cortex.” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 1959-1979.
  • Perrachione, T.K., Del Tufo, S.N., Winter, R., Murtagh, J., Cyr, A., Chang, P., Halverson, K., Ghosh, S.S., Christodoulou, J.A. & Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2016). “Dysfunction of rapid neural adaptation in dyslexia.” Neuron, 92, 1383-1397.
  • Perrachione, T.K. & Ghosh, S.S. (2013). “Optimized design and analysis of sparse-sampling fMRI experiments.” Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7, 55.
  • Perrachione, T.K., Del Tufo, S.N., Gabrieli, J.D.E. (2011). “Human voice recognition depends on language ability.” Science, 333, 595.

For a full publication list, click here.

Academic and Professional Honors

  • 2013 Peter Paul Career Development Professorship
  • 2012 Walle Nauta Award for Continuing Dedication to Teaching, MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • 2011 Walle Nauta Award for Continuing Dedication to Teaching, MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • 2010 Angus McDonald Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • 2008-2011 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

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