NetSci High Goes to CompleNet

in #DataNetSciK20, Multimedia, News
April 1st, 2015

With a supplemental award from NSF all our NetSci High students and teachers participated in the 6th International Workshop on Complex Networks. The NetSci High students presented their posters at CompleNet and discussed their work with attendees, and attended the entire conference and networked with some of the top researchers in the Network Science field, including some of the founders of the field such as Reka Albert and Mark Newman.

At CompleNet, NYSCI is hosting “Big Data Fest”, a public science event.

The term “Big Data” is frequently used to describe everything from how social media are used to gather information about consumers, to how data affect political, environmental and economic decision-making, to data that address security and health concerns. Yet although we might know that Big Data affects our daily lives, its exact nature – what Big Data is, and how it works – remains a mystery to most of us.

Big Data Fest pulls back the curtain on Big Data – revealing what it is, how it can help you know more about your world and how it helps the world know more about you. You will get to tinker with Big Data and interact with the researchers who work with it, find out how data and information have been used throughout history, and the ways that Big Data help us to better understand ourselves and how we fit into a global society. Through a wide variety of activities for all ages you will experience first-hand and hands-on how the most important scientific and technological advancements are made through the collecting and mapping of many different kinds of data – from the pictures you take with your phone to the satellites that hover above the Earth.

Big Data Fest is free with admission to the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) and all registered attendees of the International Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2015), and will include art exhibits, hands-on activities, talks, demonstrations, performances and workshops happening throughout NYSCI.


  • MIT Macro Connections: Bringing data to life at MIT Media Lab
  • Rutgers University COOL Lab: real-time ocean data
  • Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory: human interactions in the environment
  • Sloan Digital Sky Survey: 3-D maps of the universe
  • NYU ITP: communications tech and the arts
  • Network Science for the Next Generation: data research with high schools
  • Beacon Institute: Hudson River real-time data
  • CoCensus Interactive: Queens Data Laboratory
  • MindRider: Citibike and the many moods of cycling culture in NYC
  • Welikia: Historical and contemporary NYC ecosystems data
  • NYSCI Noticing Apps: surprising things you can learn from your own data
  • Friends in Space: connect with astronauts and make friends around the world
  • SourceMap: Where does everything come from and how does it get to you?
  • MakerSpace: Build your own sensors and map your own data streams
  • Humanexus: How data have been with us all along

For more information, visit: Big Data Fest @ CompleNet 2015

NetSci High Student Video Retrospective of CompleNet:
