Amara Moussa Doumbia

AmaraAmara Moussa Doumbia has more than six years of experience in commercial banking and microfinance. As an account manager, he was in charge of corporate and institutional loan portfolios for Banque Malienne de Solidarité, a major Malian commercial bank. As a financial analyst, he developed new risk management procedures and policies for the bank, including an internal rating system for credit risk. Prior to this, Amara worked as an account officer for Ecobank, the largest financial services provider in Africa. In 2007, while working for an Italian NGO (CISV), he successfully led a multidisciplinary team to identify and evaluate the financial needs related to agricultural development in more than ten Malian villages. Amara holds a master’s degree in economic sciences with specialization in management from the University of Bamako in Mali and an MBA in banking and finance from the African Center for Higher Studies in Management (CESAG) in Dakar, Senegal. This year, Amara intends to develop his financial analysis expertise and leadership skills as well as his repertoire of project management and negotiation capabilities.