PhD Funding and Benefit Packages

Charles River Campus

Boston University’s PhD programs on the Charles River Campus subscribe to a full funding model. This system guarantees all PhD students in good standing five years of stipend support, 100% tuition scholarship, and a health insurance credit. This approach reflects BU’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of researchers across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and engineering. Stipend level minimums vary by PhD program, but for the 2024-25 academic year, minimums will range from $27,318 for 8 months to $40,977 for 12 months. Students receive health insurance (the SHIP basic plan) through Aetna Student Health. Full tuition and student services fees are also covered for PhD students on the Charles River campus.

Medical Campus

PhD students in Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS) at Boston University’s School of Medicine and the School of Public Health (SPH) also enjoy a full-funding model. GMS and SPH PhD students receive a full tuition scholarship, are exempt from paying student fees, receive health insurance coverage as part of their support, and are entitled to an annual stipend. For more specific information, please visit the PhD funding sections of GMS and SPH.

PhD Stipend Extensions for Students Impacted by the COVID Pandemic

Boston University believes it is crucial to ensure that current PhD students who have had their progress impeded by the pandemic are able to complete their degrees. While individual PhD programs and the schools/colleges in which they are housed are the primary source of academic and financial support for PhD students, in rare circumstances, programs and schools/colleges may not have adequate resources to support all students whose progress has been hindered by the pandemic. For this reason, the Office of the Provost has established a fund to support PhD stipend extensions necessitated by this circumstance. Learn more about this funding opportunity and how to apply.

Please note that this program will end after the 2023-2024 academic year, concluding in early spring 2024 for logistical and operational purposes.

PhD Funding by School/College

You can learn more about specific funding packages through the school or college to which you are applying or in which you are enrolled: