Current Programs

For Faculty, Staff and their Immediate Family Members

February Programming

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Thursday, February 6, 2025, 12 to 12:45 pm,  Recording Available 
Presented by Sammy Sass, LMHC

In this interactive session, we’ll talk about love, attachment styles, and why our most sensitive selves get activated in relationships. We’ll dig into a fictional couple’s dilemma, and we’ll do some digging into what it means to know your own needs, limits, and requirements for love. Come with paper, markers, and an example of something you’re grappling with in a relationship (you will not be asked to share).

Sammy Sass, LMHC, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor working collaboratively with clients to make moves toward a more fulfilling life. She is an artist and a queer feminist who believes we should be creators of our lives and not consumers of others’ expectations. She works with adults as they navigate life changes in relationships, career, finances, and family.


Headspace Programming  

2025 Headspace Live Webinars and Meditations Register Here for all

Feb 6 at 12:00 PM Live Meditation with Headspace: Uplifting Diverse Perspectives

Building a stronger community starts with understanding and connecting with those around us. In this live meditation, we’ll explore how seeing things from different perspectives can help us support and become better allies to others.

Mar 6 at 12:00 PM  Live Meditation with Headspace: Prioritizing Sleep

Having trouble getting enough sleep? In this live meditation, you’ll learn simple techniques to relax, calm your mind, and create a dreamy environment for your best sleep every night.

On The Go

Three 25 minute episodes on managing stress, helping you sleep more soundly and finding a longer-lasting focus at work. Navigate to this link and use password Loveyourmind to access these episodes. 


Watch Recordings of Previous Live Headspace Webinars and Meditations

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Recommended Webinars and Presentations from Other Trusted Sources

McLean’s Mental Health Webinar series

Always available recorded webinars in the FSAO Video Library


Thriving in 2024: A 30-Minute Guide to Cultivating Lasting Well-Being, presented by Karen Brouhard, LICSW

ADHD and Health, presented by Dr. Roberto Olivardia, PhD.