Chemical Waste Pick Up

Chemical Waste Pickup

All chemical waste pick up requests on both campuses need to be placed in BioRAFT under the waste tab of your laboratory/group.  The final step in the management of laboratory hazardous chemical wastes is getting full containers removed from the laboratory. Environmental Health and Safety contracts with a hazardous waste vendor to provide this service.

The day your waste container becomes full, you should write the date on the container’s hazardous waste label, and submit an online pickup request form in BioRAFT. Your request will automatically be processed, and your waste picked up from your lab. Please be sure to fill out all fields on the pickup request form.

Remember that there is a three-day deadline from the date the container becomes full (the date on the label) until it is removed from the lab, so do not delay in submitting your request.

Please review the tutorial on placing a chemical waste pick up request in BioRAFT at the following link.