Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Curriculum




Managing Suburban Wilds Website


My research and teaching focus on the social and political dimensions of conservation, natural resource management, and climate change. By integrating concepts and approaches across the broad fields of natural resource management, institutions and the environment, and political ecology, I seek to better understand how socio-political and ecological processes shape human interactions with nature and catalyze changes in land use, management, and policy. My research experience spans issues as diverse as wildlife management, climate justice, disaster risk reduction, and cannabis cultivation. All of my projects are problem-driver and I often collaborate with researchers across disciplines and work directly with natural resource agencies, local governments, residents, and other decision-makers to connect my research with practice


  • EE/IR 304 Environmentally Sustainable Development
  • EE 524 Environmental Justice
  • EE/PO 322 The Politics of Science Care and the Environment