Academic Affairs
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Gail McCausland oversees predoctoral education. Students can always approach her for advice on coursework, promotions, exemptions from courses, leaves of absence, etc. Students must contact Dr. McCausland if they cannot attend classes or clinic due to illness or personal reasons.
Most problems with a course or instructor should be addressed with the instructor. Unresolved problems related to curriculum, courses, APEX, and other issues should be brought to Dr. McCausland’s attention. Dr. McCausland works with class officers and student government to address any course scheduling problems.
Dr. McCausland chairs the curriculum management committee which evaluates, revises, and implements curriculum annually. Dr. McCausland and Chair of the Department of General Dentistry Dr. Hesham Nouh respond to students’ concerns regarding clinical or pre-clinical faculty.
Academic Affairs staff members help solve problems and schedule appointments with Dr. McCausland if he is not available. Academic Affairs is responsible for the textbook lists, curriculum overview, schedules, and classroom assignments.
Where to Find Us
72 East Concord Street, Robinson B-309
Boston, MA 02118
Fax: 617-358-5199
For all absence requests, please email