Professional Ceremony Signifies New Era for Pre-doctoral Students

New pre-doctoral students recite the Professional Oath at the 2013 Professional Ceremony
New pre-doctoral students recite the Professional Oath at the 2013 Professional Ceremony

On Friday, August 2, 2013, new pre-doctoral students at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) marked the end of orientation at the Professional Ceremony. The students gathered in the 670 Albany Street auditorium where around 100 family members, friends, and GSDM faculty and staff watched them receive their pins and recite the Professional Oath of the Classes.

Assistant Dean of Students Dr. Joseph Calabrese welcomed the students, then introduced Dean Jeffrey W. Hutter.

“You are the best and the brightest and I know that I speak for the entire faculty, staff and alumni when I say that we feel privileged and deeply gratified that you made the decision and, it was the correct one, to attend our, and I do mean our, Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine,” said Dean Hutter.

Dean Hutter introduced the following speaker, Dean of Boston University School of Medicine and Provost of the Medical Campus Dr. Karen H. Antman. Provost Antman welcomed the students to the School and the Medical Campus, and gave a brief overview of Boston University and the GSDM’s role within it.

“The Dental School is integral to the Medical Campus, the University, and to Boston,” said Provost Antman.

Dean Hutter then acknowledged the faculty giving the pins that afternoon: Dr. Calabrese, Associate Professor in the Departments of Restorative Sciences/Biomaterials and General Dentistry Dr. Stephen Dulong, Associate Professor in the Department of General Dentistry and Faculty Liaison to the Advanced Standing Program Dr. Janet Peters, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy & Health Services Research and Assistant Dean for Admissions Ms. Catherine Sarkis.

The keynote speaker was GSDM Alumni Board President Mitch Sabbagh DMD 87. Dr. Sabbagh commended the students on the achievements that gained them acceptance into GSDM, but urged them to concentrate now on the road ahead. “The competition for your seat was fierce, but now you need to focus on being the best dentist you can be,” said Dr. Sabbagh. He also mentioned the importance of building relationships with classmates. “Working together with your fellow students is an essential part of bringing out the best in yourself. You’ll also find lifelong friends and colleagues here,” he said.

The 193 students  in attendance received their pins. The students and their guests enjoyed a barbecue hosted by Dean and Mrs. Hutter on Talbot Green after the ceremony.

Photos from the Ceremony are available on Facebook and Flickr. Photos from the barbecue are also available on Facebook and Flickr.