GSDM Predoctoral Class of 2024 Recognition and Awards Dinner applauds hard work, dedication, and accomplishments of this year’s graduates


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Fifty-eight awards were presented to graduating students during the Predoctoral Class of 2024 Recognition and Awards Dinner on Thursday, May 16, held at Agganis Arena.   

Associate Dean of Students Dr. Joseph Calabrese opened the evening’s event, welcoming the graduates and their loved ones to celebrate the achievements of the DMD 24 and DMD AS 24 classes. He said the classes will be remembered as a diverse and compassionate group that will forever share a special bond.  

He added that receiving a Doctorate in Dental Medicine from Boston University is an honor and privilege that is not given—but one that is earned. From working in the Patient Treatment Center to conducting innovative research, he said every member of the DMD 24 and DMD AS 24 classes earned their degree.  

“Whether you traveled just down the street or from the other side of the world, we appreciate you joining us here this evening to help celebrate the hard work, dedication, and accomplishments of all our graduates,” Calabrese said.  

In his welcoming remarks, Dean Cataldo Leone said the annual Recognition and Awards Dinner is a wonderful time to commemorate all members of the graduating class and acknowledge individuals for their notable achievements. He said the Class of 2024 has been an extraordinary class, meeting all challenges head on and “artfully” turning them into opportunities.  

“No matter what your plans are after graduation, please know that your time at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine has been special,” Leone said. “Speaking on behalf of our faculty and staff, it has truly been an honor and a privilege that you chose to spend that time at our school. We are excited that you will be alumni, fellow oral healthcare professionals, and colleagues.”  

GSDM Alumni Association President Hongsheng Liu DMD 10 ENDO 12 urged the graduating students to stay connected to one another and engage with the alumni community for guidance and mentorship.  

“Amidst our endeavors, let’s not forget to stay connected—with each other and with our alma mater,” Liu said. “Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine is more than just an institution we attended; it’s a lifelong community to which we will always belong.”  

Two student speakers were chosen based on nominations from their peers: Parsa Shahidi DMD 24 and Chandi Proothi DMD AS 24.  

Shahidi shared that when he embarked on his dental education four years ago, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it seemed uncertain whether he and his classmates would make it their commencement day. But, he continued, their class demonstrated perseverance and purpose to endure the rigorous program.  

“In all seriousness, a profession where we serve patients every day, bring them to health, take them out of pain, and profoundly contribute to the wellbeing of humanity is not only what we all signed up for, it is what we all fought for together day in and day out, as teammates and family, for the last four years,” Shahidi said.  

Taking a leap of faith—that’s how Chandi Proothi DMD AS 24 described her mindset when she left India with “suitcases bigger than her dreams” to come to GSDM. She said she loved how her fellow Advanced Standing students were a blend of people from different countries, backgrounds, struggles, and depth of knowledge, all here for one greater good: Dentistry.  

“GSDM, you have given us the privilege to practice in this country but also a lifetime of friendships and the best mentorship we could ever ask for,” Proothi said.  

In total, 62 awards were presented at the dinner, with four awards given to GSDM faculty and staff. All the awards given to faculty/staff were selected by DMD and/or DMD Advanced Standing Class of 2024, with the exception of the American Student Dental Association Advocate Award, which was selected by the BU ASDA Executive Committee.  

A full list of individuals recognized at the dinner is available here.  

To read our full commencement coverage, please visit our Commencement 2024 page.  


By Rachel Grace Philipson