Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) COVID Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists

We are delighted to announce that a grant funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation will allow us to support early career investigators engaged in high impact clinical health research who have struggled with additional caregiving responsibilities due to, or exacerbated by, the pandemic. In addition, we thank the following Departments who generously have committed funding to allow us to add additional spots to support early career researchers who have struggled with caregiving responsibilities during this time: Family Medicine, Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, Radiology, Surgery and Psychiatry.

A recent National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine report documented that many physician scientists have struggled during the COVID pandemic to maintain their research trajectories while responding to increased clinical expectations and family caregiving needs. Remote school and day care closings required rapid reorganization of time, with significant burdens placed on families. Furthermore, many faculty grappled with caring for other homebound or ill family members. Research suggests that juggling these competing demands may be particularly onerous for faculty who identify as women and faculty from groups under-represented in medicine (URiM; defined here to include those who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, people with disabilities and those who are from economically marginalized backgrounds). Caregiving challenges were magnified during the pandemic, but will continue to fuel inequities for physician scientists for the foreseeable future.

Successful applicants will:

  • Receive $40,000 for the period of a year. This funding may be used for “extra hands” (technician; research assistant effort), grant-writing support, or to buy-out clinical time to increase time for the conduct of research. This funding cannot be used for the purchase of supplies or for sequencing and core facility costs. In addition to that, applicants will receive a $5,000 voucher from the CTSI to further support their research needs (e.g., biostatistical support, RA time).
  • Meet with the Program Directors, Drs. Bair-Merritt and Neogi to create individualized development plans, and meet with a larger mentoring committee biannually.
  • Participate in a coaching session, if desired.
  • Engage in a monthly session with the program leaders and other participants to discuss research progress, provide peer coaching, and develop core skills related to research leadership.


Release Date:  Monday, December 01, 2021
Application due date:  Friday, January, 14th, 2022, at 5 p.m. EST
Funding Announcement:  2022
Earliest Activation Date: April, 2022

Please Read the Application Instructions Here

Submit Application Here

Applicants should be full-time early-career BUSM/BMC faculty (Instructors, Assistant Professor, or Associate Professors in their first year)