Mobile Application Development with Android

Mobile Application Development with Android

MET CS 683 (4 credits)

Graduate Prerequisites: (METCS342) or instructor's consent. - This course discusses the principles and issues associated with mobile application development using Android as the development platform. Topics covered will include Android application components (Activities, Services, Content Providers and Broadcast Receivers), ICC (Inter-component Communication), UI design, data storage, asynchronous processing, 2D graphics, and Android security. Students will develop their own apps in Java and/or Kotlin using Android Studio in their semester-long projects. Prior knowledge of Java programming is required. Prerequisite: MET CS 342 OR MET CS 520 OR MET CS 521. Or instructor's consent.

2025SPRGMETCS683O2, Jan 21st to May 1st 2025

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
ARR 12:00 AM 12:00 AM

2024FALLMETCS683A1, Sep 3rd to Dec 10th 2024

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
R 06:00 PM 08:45 PM PHO 205

2024FALLMETCS683E1, Sep 3rd to Dec 10th 2024

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
R 06:00 PM 08:45 PM PHO 205

2023SUM2METCS683SO2, Jul 5th to Aug 22nd 2023

Days Start End Type Bldg Room

Format & Syllabus: