Agile Software Development

Agile Software Development

MET CS 634 (4 credits)

This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of the principles, processes, and practices of agile software development. Students learn techniques for initiating, planning and executing on software development projects using agile methodologies. Students will obtain practical knowledge of agile development frameworks and be able to distinguish between agile and traditional project management methodologies. Students will learn how to apply agile tools and techniques in the software development lifecycle from project ideation to deployment, including establishing an agile team environment, roles and responsibilities, communication and reporting methods, and embracing change. We also leverage the guidelines outlined by the Project Management Institute for agile project development as a framework in this course.

2024SPRGMETCS634 A1, Jan 18th to Apr 25th 2024

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
R 06:00 PM 08:45 PM BRB 122

2024FALLMETCS634A1, Sep 3rd to Dec 10th 2024

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
M 06:00 PM 08:45 PM HAR 228

2024FALLMETCS634O2, Oct 29th to Dec 16th 2024

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
ARR 12:00 AM 12:00 AM

2023SUM1METCS634SC1, May 25th to Aug 10th 2023

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
R 06:00 PM 09:30 PM CAS 233

Format & Syllabus: