Join Us!

In the Cinema & Media Studies program, our students receive a comprehensive education in the history, culture, and aesthetics of film and other moving-image media.  Our rich and interdisciplinary program encompasses the critical study of film, television, video games and digital media, all considered as complex art forms and powerful social forces in modern and contemporary life. 

Cinema & Media Studies a vibrant field with growing cultural and economic relevance, as well as enduring artistic significance and political urgency. Our graduates develop critical skills needed to navigate today’s media landscape with technical knowledge, historical perspective, creativity and imagination.  Recent graduates have used their degrees to pursue a range of careers, including: film programming, publishing, arts journalism and film criticism, filmmaking, art making, creative writing, education, business, marketing, advertising and brand consulting. 

Take the first step and apply today!

You can find more about the Admissions process at the CAS Admissions website. For more insight on specific types of applications, please see:

First Year – Early Decision

First Year – Regular Decision

Transfer Students

International Students

Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding specific information or questions you have about Cinema & Media Studies. We hope to see you on campus!

“Photography is truth; the cinema is truth 24 times a second.” - Jean-Luc Godard

Undergraduate Administrative Contacts

Jonathan Foltz

Associate Professor of English Director, Cinema & Media Studies Program