College of Fine Arts faculty members host a number of workshops, conferences, and professional development opportunities for the BU community and broader arts community beyond Boston. Learn more about recent offerings below.

International Drum Kit Studies Conference

Organized by Assistant Professor of Music Education Gareth Dylan Smith, the International Drum Kit Studies Conference at BU launched in 2022. This conference is a gathering of drumming scholars, practitioners, educators, and industry professionals and seeks to highlight the intersections of performance, scholarly research, and entrepreneurship. The aim of the program is to provide a new and stimulating space for diverse drumming voices, communities, and research trajectories, as well as community events, commercial partnerships, lectures, demonstrations, and educational initiatives.

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Music Education Professional Development Series

The Music Education department at Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Music is thrilled to offer professional development opportunities in music education to educators around the world. The sessions will be held online via Zoom. PDPs will be available for Massachusetts educators. Presenters include Boston University professors, doctoral students, and alumni.

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