Uncle Vanya

  • Starts: 7:30 pm on Saturday, November 19, 2022
  • Ends: 9:30 pm on Saturday, November 19, 2022
Written by Anton Chekhov Translation by Annie Baker Directed by Christine Hamel Set on a country estate in late nineteenth century Russia, Uncle Vanya is in part a study of the enervation of Russian middle-class provincial life. The major dynamics between the characters themselves are centered on two obsessive love affairs that lead nowhere and a flirtation that brings disaster. Mixing the tragic and the absurd and dealing with a form that allows for ambiguity and contradiction, Uncle Vanya has been deemed "the first modernist play.” (David Lan) "It is the element of might-have-been in Chekhov's characters that makes their sense of waste so tragic ...I know of no more moving climax in world drama." (Concord.com)
CFA 356, 855 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215
855 Commonwealth Avenue