Jane Musky (CFA’76) Documentary Features Pioneering BU Women’s Rowing Team
A Path to Legacy: A Panel Discussion on the Documentary NINE
In 1973, following the enactment of Title IX, college women all over the United States jumped at the chance to finally be able to establish Varsity Women’s sports teams. NINE, written and directed by Jane Musky (CFA’76), details the brave actions of the women who petitioned for inclusion of women’s rowing as a varsity sport at BU in the 1970s, despite the challenges, obstacles, and biases against women in sport.
The women’s rowing teams in the Boston area were among the first formed in the United States, and the documentary features the beginning of the Women’s Rowing program at Boston University. Their efforts to compete, nearly 50 years ago, have had a resounding effect today not only on BU Women’s Rowing, but on all of BU Athletics.
Jane Musky is an accomplished Production Designer in the film industry, and directed and produced the film based on her own experience as a member of one of the first nationally-ranked Women’s Rowing teams in the United States. In March, Musky joined CFA Dean Harvey Young, Madeline Davis Tully (Director of Women’s Rowing), Christina Lamagna (COM’21), and Megan Mastrorilli (CAS’22) for a panel discussion on the filmmaking process and story that inspired it.
The panel and documentary premiered on Thursday, March 18, and is currently available to watch online.
As the production designer for films including Ghost, When Harry Met Sally, Patty Hearst, Hitch, and Hustlers, Jane Musky brings heartwarming, powerful, and groundbreaking stories to life. Read more about Musky and her work, from sketch to soundstage.