We are interested in the development of social, cognitive, and emotional intelligence abilities, which include emotion and self-regulation, delay of gratification, understanding and reading emotional and social cues, as well as the interaction between emotional and cognitive abilities. In the lab, we take a bio-psycho-social perspective by looking at how family, cultural, and biological factors influence these abilities in children and adults. Furthermore, we are interested in how these variables contribute to stress adaptation, as indexed by physiological measures (including cortisol and allostatic load), and mental health (e.g., internalizing and externalizing problems). In sum, our research focuses on examining cultural and contextual factors that contribute to the development of social-emotional abilities and the processes and mechanisms by which these abilities lead to successful adjustment and adaptation.

Recent Publications

  • Cumulative risk and adolescent’s internalizing and externalizing problems Developmental Psychology
  • Childhood cumulative risk and obesity Pediatrics, 129
  • View all publications

Contact Us

  • Email us sdoan@bu.edu
  • Give us a call (617) 358-6270
  • Visit us Room 214, 64 Cummington Mall Boston, MA 02215

Information for Students

Want to volunteer? Because of intense interest in the lab, the lab is currently only accepting rising juniors. Students must commit for 2 years and be willing to do a work for distinction project. We also offer summer undergraduate research internships.

Interested? Find out more!