Photo: Donald Trump, an aging man in a blue suit, walks out of a court room with a somber look on his face

A Jury Found Trump Guilty. Will Voters Care?

In an exceptionally tight presidential race, a few thousand voters could mean the difference for Trump or Biden. BU political scientists weigh the impact of the verdict in Trump’s hush money trial

Photo: A set of 4 large orange robotic arms assembling a large electric car battery on a production line

The Race to a Battery-Powered Future

Engineers at BU are figuring out how to make better, more sustainable batteries—a technology that is essential for clean energy

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The Brink
Note from the editors

As part of our summer schedule, BU Today is making a few small changes. We will pause our “Sunday Reads” email. And we will move our Saturday “Week in Review” email to Friday instead. As always, throughout the summer, when there is breaking news to cover, we will cover it. 

Photo: A image of a rainbow silhouette of a person's face with a yellow speech bubble over the mouth.

Don’t Say Gay: Speaking Out on Book Censorship

BU queer authors discuss book bans, and what targeted restrictions mean for all readers

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Celebrate Pride Month with These Campus and Citywide Events!
Swipe to see our full list of festivals, parades, educational events, and more so you can celebrate the LGBTQ+ community! Bookmark the post to reference later.

Photo: A crowd of robots stands in a row and one of them is an evil traitor
Artificial Intelligence

 Is AI Biased against Some Groups and Spreading Misinformation and Extreme Views?

BU computer scientists will use support from first-of-its-kind federal AI pilot program to scrutinize artificial intelligence for “socially undesirable behavior”

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Photo: A picture of a girl wearing a gray sweater with white stars and a cardboard sculpture around her neck. The sculpture sits almost like a scarf and features 3D elements. There is a video play button over the image

The Art of Reuse

Students in Jeffrey Nowlin’s Foundation Sculpture course create wearable art out of an unlikely material: cardboard

Photo: A man with white hair performance an exercise using a ladder on the ground, under the watchful eye of a PT next to him. The two appear to be in a clinic. There is a white play button overlayed on top of the image.

Can We Fight Back against Parkinson’s Disease? These Research Volunteers Hope So

Volunteers at a BU neurorehabilitation center are key to two new Parkinson’s treatment breakthroughs: wearable robotics and a music system that help patients walk faster and farther

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