• Steve Holt

    Senior Editor/Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Steve Holt, a white man with very short hair and a gingery beard. He has blue eyes, smiles, and wears a blue button down shirt.

    Steve Holt is a senior editor and writer responsible for print alumni magazines at the Wheelock College of Education and Human Development, School of Theology, and the Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. He came to BU in 2022 from Appalachian Mountain Club, where he was a senior editor at the nonprofit’s award-winning member magazine. For more than a decade before that, Steve built a prolific freelance journalism career, collecting bylines in numerous print and online publications, such as The Boston Globe, Boston magazine, Civil Eats, Business Insider, and Bloomberg CityLab. His Edible Boston story about sustainable hamburgers in Boston was selected for inclusion in the Best Food Writing 2011 anthology. Steve holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s in theology from Abilene Christian University. Profile

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There are 12 comments on Leading Womanist Ethicist and Theologian Named New MLK Professor of Religion and Black Studies at STH

  1. Congratulations Emilie!!! How blessed we are that you’re still leading the way and sharing your insights and lighting the passion in new theologians. How honored I am that I had the privilege of studying under you. Hope you’re still loving golf.

  2. Congrats! Welcome to STH and the BU community overall. We look forward to all that you have to offer our students, faculty, staff and beyond.


    Ray Joyce
    Asst. Dean of Development
    STH & SSW

  3. Her title alone, with its focus on Religion and Race, then calling herself a Womanist, all seem counterproductive for someone who hopes to be a unifier. I like the former title better, because we need ethics that transcend labels. Let’s focus on our common thread of humanity under the Deity who inspires us to be better than we are!

    1. Hi, thanks, in the story’s first paragraph, it refers to BU’s School of Theology, which is shortened to STH: “Emilie Townes was all set to retire in two years from the Divinity School at Vanderbilt University and return to teaching full-time. Then she accepted an invitation to meet with a search committee member from Boston University’s School of Theology regarding a renowned—and recently vacated—professorship bearing the name of civil rights icon and BU alum Martin Luther King, Jr. (GRS’55, Hon.’59).”

  4. Hurray! STH and Boston University have found a pearl of great price in the embodied wisdom and grace of Professor Emilie Townes! May her tenure with my beloved alma mater increase the legacy of the school of the prophets and be filled with “the singing of angels”!

  5. I met Emilie when she was a young seminarian. She has become a leader in theological circles. She is so deserving of this position. I wish you the best as you move into this position. You will move mountains, and I hope people to do what is right.

  6. Welcome to BU Emilie, looking forward to working with you.

    Malika Jeffries-EL

    Professor of Chemistry and
    Associate Dean for the Graduate School in Arts and Sciences.

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