Current Graduate Research
Graduate students pursuing degrees in Marine Science work with Marine Program faculty in either the Biology Department or the Department of Earth & Environment. Graduate students are an integral part of the BU Marine Program. Many graduate students begin their time at BU by taking Marine Semester classes, then going on to TF marine classes and mentor undergraduate students. Graduate student research in Marine Science spans all areas of Marine Science.
Hannah Aichelman
Ph.D. candidate, Davies Lab
Fabio Buitrago
Ph.D. student, Kaufman Lab
Shalom Entner
Ph.D. student, Finnerty Lab
James Fifer
Ph.D. candidate, Davies Lab
Robin Francis
Ph.D. candidate, Buston Lab
Alex Geisser
Ph.D. student, Fulweiler Lab
Jacob Jaskiel
Doctoral Candidate, Rotjan Lab
Mira Kelly-Fair
Doctoral Candidate, Gopal and Kaufman
Nicola Kriefall
Ph.D. candidate, Davies Lab
Joanna Lee
Ph.D. candidate, Finnerty Lab
Zhixian Sun
M.S. Student, Lobel Lab
Maria Valadez Ingersoll
Ph.D. student, Gilmore & Davies Labs
Lili Vizer
Ph.D. student, Buston & Davies Labs