Our wearable breast cancer probe published in JBO

By Darren RoblyerJune 2nd, 2021in Lab Updates

Ph.D. student Sam Spink was the first author in our new paper which describes the design and performance of a new highly flexible wearable probe that uses near infrared light to probe breast tissue. Sam and the research team explored how paced (slow) breathing can be used to quantify the hemodynamic state of breast tissue, with the near future application of monitor breast tumors during chemotherapy. Thanks to the large and diverse team of engineers, physicists, and physicians for this one.


Raeef Istfan Successfully Defends his Ph.D.

By Darren RoblyerApril 28th, 2021in Lab Updates

Long time BOTLab member (Raeef was the first employee of the BOTlab in 2012 before becoming a Ph.D. student) successfully defended his Ph.D. His thesis is entitled: "FREQUENCY-DOMAIN DIFFUSE OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR AND RESPIRATORY APPLICATIONS"

Congratulations Raeef!!

Our study on optical scattering for chemo monitoring is published in Neoplasia

By Darren RoblyerFebruary 9th, 2021in Lab Updates

In this work we used SFDI to monitor optical scattering in prostate and breast animal tumor models. We found that the reduced scattering coefficient was strongly correlated with apoptosis, and the scattering power was strongly correlated with proliferation. This helped us track treatment response to cyclophosphamide and the antiangiogenic DC101. This work helps establish optical scattering as an important label-free optical marker of anti-cancer treatment response that can be used with other more common markers, such as oxygen saturation, hemoglobin levels, water, and lipids. It also helps make the case for frequency-domain and/or time-domain diffuse optical techniques such as SFDI, DOS, FD-NIRS, etc. which can quantify optical scattering in thick tissue.

paper here

Darren’s new perspective article on wearable and remote patient monitoring during COVID-19 and beyond

By Darren RoblyerOctober 21st, 2020in Lab Updates

I recently published a JBO perspective on wearable and remote patient monitoring during COVID-19 and beyond. I cover new tech, regulatory, and commercial changes that have encouraged a push towards remote patient monitoring during COVID-19, with a focus on optical technologies.

Eric Lochridge at SPIE also did a nice write up summary of my piece for SPIE news.

Senior Design team wins Outstanding Senior Design Award

By Darren RoblyerAugust 24th, 2020in Lab Updates

Our 2019/2020 Senior Design team has won the: Outstanding Senior Design Projects in Biomedical Engineering Award for their project: "Wearable SWIR Optical Probe for Measuring Lipid and Water Composition of Peripheral Edema"

Scott Gaines (BME)
Minha Lee (BME)
Sarah Nemsick (BME)

Congratulations to Scott, Minha, and Sarah, as well as their BOTLab mentors Anahita Pilvar, Sam Spink, and Lina Lin.

openSFDI publication in the Journal of Biomedical Optics

By Darren RoblyerJanuary 29th, 2020in Lab Updates

We're excited to announce that openSFDI is now published! You can download and read the paper here.

The paper describes the design, construction, and testing of 3 different openSFDI systems. Please cite it if you publish work on your own versions of openSFDI.

Thanks to all the authors on the paper who made it possible, and all of the early adopters of openSFDI who helped make the project better during its beta phase.

Yanyu Zhao wins BME best dissertation award

By Darren RoblyerMay 30th, 2019in Lab Updates

Yanyu, who recently defended his thesis: WIDEFIELD FUNCTIONAL AND METABOLIC IMAGING FROM 600 – 1300 NM IN THE SPATIAL FREQUENCY DOMAIN, recently won the best dissertation award for BME! Yanyu is currently doing a postdoc at Caltech in Lihong Wang's research group.

Kavon Karrobi awarded a F99/K00 from the NCI

By Darren RoblyerSeptember 20th, 2017in Lab Updates

Botlab Ph.D. student Kavon Karrobi was recently awarded a prestigious F99/K00 from the NCI. This is a new mechanism that provides support for both Ph.D. work and a postdoctoral fellowship.

From the NCI:

The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition (F99/K00) Award supports outstanding Ph.D. and other Research Doctoral candidates complete their dissertation research training (F99 phase) and transition in a timely manner to mentored, cancer-focused postdoctoral career development research positions (K00 phase).


New Book Chapter on Metabolic Imaging

By Darren RoblyerAugust 22nd, 2017in Lab Updates

I was proud to work with colleagues Jonathan Liu, Ricky Wang, and Melissa Skala on this new book chapter on Imaging Metabolism:

M Wall, T Heaster, K Tilbury, WJ Choi, Darren Roblyer, R Wang, M Skala, J.T.C. Liu, “Chapter 5: Metabolic Imaging Approaches: Optical Imaging”, Imaging and Metabolism, Jason S. Lewis and Kayvan R. Keshari (Editors), Springer Nature, in production

AACR 2017 Washington D.C.

By Darren RoblyerAugust 22nd, 2017in Lab Updates

Ph.D. student Hannah Peterson presented a poster on our Osteosarcoma work at AACR 2017:

HM Peterson, BH Hoang, D Geller, R Gorlick, R Yang, J Berger, J Tingling, M Roth, J Gill, Darren Roblyer, “Clinical Feasibility of Chemotherapy Monitoring for Bone Sarcoma Patients with Diffuse Optical Spectroscopic Imaging ”, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., April 2017, poster presentation

ECI 2017 Snowmass

By Darren RoblyerAugust 22nd, 2017in Lab Updates

The BOTLab had two poster presentations at ECI Snowmass 2017:

M Applegate, Darren Roblyer, “High-speed Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging (SFDI) with temporally modulated light.”, ECI Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine, and Surgery XV, Snowmass, Colorado, July 2017, poster presentation, poster prize: 3rd place

V Pera, K Karrobi, S Tabassum, Darren Roblyer, “Exploiting diffuse reflectance measurement uncertainty estimates in spatial frequency domain imaging.”, ECI Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine, and Surgery XV, Snowmass, Colorado, July 2017, poster presentation

New BOTLab Papers

By Darren RoblyerMarch 11th, 2017in Lab Updates

We've published a number of papers in the last few months, here's the list:

Our new JBO paper on ultrafast optical property extractions in tissue, link here
A. Torjesen, R Istfan, Darren Roblyer, “Ultrafast wavelength multiplexed broad bandwidth digital diffuse optical spectroscopy for in vivo extraction of tissue optical properties,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22(3), 036009 (2017)

Our new JBO paper on a wearable probe for cancer treatment monitoring, link here
F Teng, T Cormier, A Sauer-Budge, R Chaudhury, V Pera, D Chargin, S Brookfield, N Yu Ko, Darren Roblyer, “Wearable near-infrared optical probe for continuous monitoring during breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy infusions,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 22(1), 014001 (Jan 13, 2017)

Our new BOE paper on using SFDI for preclinical cancer imaging, link here
S Tabassum, Y Zhao, R Istfan, J Wu, DJ Waxman, Darren Roblyer, “Feasibility of spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) for optically characterizing a preclinical oncology model,” Biomedical Optics Express 7(10), 4154-4170 (2016)

Cancer Research paper on the multi-site DOSI trial, link here
B Tromberg, Z Zhang, A Leproux, TD. O’Sullivan, A Cerussi, P Carpenter, R Mehta, Darren Roblyer, W Yang , KD Paulsen, BW Pogue, S Jiang, P Kaufman, A Yodh, S Chung, M Schnall, B Snyder, N Hylton, D Boas, S Carp, S Isakoff, D Mankoff, “Predicting Responses to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer: ACRIN 6691 Trial of Diffuse Optical Spectroscopic Imaging (DOSI),” Cancer Research, 2016

Our BOE paper on improving SFDI angle correction, link here
Y Zhao, S Tabassum, S Piracha, M Sobhana Nandhu, M Viapiano, and Darren Roblyer, "Angle correction for small animal tumor imaging with spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI)," Biomedical Optics Express 7(6), 2373-2384 (2016)

BOTLab presents at SPIE Photonics West 2017

By Darren RoblyerMarch 11th, 2017in Lab Updates

The BOTLab has three oral presentations this year at SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco:

  1. Darren Roblyer, Alyssa Torjesen, Raeef Istfan, Rachita Chaudhury, Ultra-fast frequency domain Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy using miniaturized sources and detectors towards quantitative wearables”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, February 2016, invited oral presentation
  2. Darren Roblyer, Syeda Tabassum, Junjie Wu, David J. Waxman, “Spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) as a new tool for monitoring chemotherapy response and resistance”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, February 2016, invited oral presentation
  3. Yanyu Zhao, Kavon Karrobi, John P. Dumas, Mark C. Pierce, Darren Roblyer, “Hyperspectral spatial frequency domain imaging from 680-1,300 nm for improved estimation of tissue water and lipid concentrations”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, February 2016, oral presentation

BOTLab senior design group get 3rd place in ENG at BU

By Darren RoblyerMay 19th, 2016in Lab Updates

The BOTLab's 2016 senior design team: Jordan Sweer, Sanjana Pannem, and Alexandra Tracey tied for 3rd place for the Societal Impact Award for their project: "A Wearable Frequency Domain Optical Probe for Real-time Monitoring of Chemotherapy Treatment".  The award was chosen among all engineering senior design groups at BU.

BOTLab presents at SPIE Photonics West

By Darren RoblyerMarch 11th, 2016in Lab Updates

The BOTLab has three oral presentations this year at SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco:

1. Yanyu Zhao, BME Ph.D. student: Spatial Mapping of Fluorophore Quantum Yield in Scattering Media

2. Fei Teng, ECE Ph.D. student: A wearable continuous-wave optical device for continuous monitoring during neoadjuvant chemotherapy infusions

3. Sanjana Pannem and Jordan Sweer: Customized three-dimensional printed optical phantoms with user-defined absorption and scattering