Film Screening and Discussion with the Director: We (Wo Men 我们)

Boston University Center for the Study of Asia presents:

Film Screening and Discussion with the Director:
We (Wo Men 我们), 
Directed by Huang Wenhai 黄文海

Thursday, November 16, 2017
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The film screening and discussion will be held at:
CAS 211, Boston University
685 Commonwealth Avenue


WE (Chinese title: Wo Men 我们)wetheworkers
2008. Documentary. Running time: 102 minutes
Director/Photography/editor: Wen Hai
Producer: Wen Hai and Helen Cui

The voices in this film are all conscientious citizens doing their utmost to improve the state of their nation. Their ethos is: “Where affairs of state are concerned, we cannot stand idly by and watch.” And yet the reward for their concern is a lifetime spent in political turmoil, years of periodic intimidation and surveillance. This film illustrates the perils of seeking freedom in a time of darkness, in a time when critique requires transformation. It depicts the harsh realities faced by three generations of activists—young, middle-aged and elderly– and allows us to better understand their anxieties, hopes, despairs and above all, their persistence.


Source: Chinese Visual Festival

Wen Hai (a.k.a. HUANG Wenhai 黄文海) studied at the Beijing Film Academy and since 2001 has been active as an independent film director. Among his best known films are Floating Dust 喧哗的尘土 (2003), which won him the Georges Beauregard award at the 16th Festival International du Documentaire in Marseille in 2005; Dream Walking 梦游 (2005); and We 我们 (2008), which won the Horizons Special Mention award at the 2008 Venice International Film Festival. We the Workers 凶年之畔 (2017) is his most recent documentary. Wen Hai also worked as a cameraman on WANG Bing’s 王兵 film Three Sisters 三姊妹 (2012) and AI Weiwei’s 艾未未 film Human Flow 人流 (2017).




Sponsored by Boston University’s Center for the Study of Asia, the CAS Dept. of World Languages & Literatures, and the CAS/COM program in Cinema and Media Studies