• Doug Most

    Associate Vice President, Executive Editor, Editorial Department Twitter Profile

    Doug Most is a lifelong journalist and author whose career has spanned newspapers and magazines up and down the East Coast, with stops in Washington, D.C., South Carolina, New Jersey, and Boston. He was named Journalist of the Year while at The Record in Bergen County, N.J., for his coverage of a tragic story about two teens charged with killing their newborn. After a stint at Boston Magazine, he worked for more than a decade at the Boston Globe in various roles, including magazine editor and deputy managing editor/special projects. His 2014 nonfiction book, The Race Underground, tells the story of the birth of subways in America and was made into a PBS/American Experience documentary. He has a BA in political communication from George Washington University. Profile

  • Cydney Scott


    cydney scott

    Cydney Scott has been a professional photographer since graduating from the Ohio University VisCom program in 1998. She spent 10 years shooting for newspapers, first in upstate New York, then Palm Beach County, Fla., before moving back to her home city of Boston and joining BU Photography. Profile

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There are 22 comments on A Response to Ben Shapiro’s Talk at BU Last Month

  1. Perhaps someone from BU Today can research the question of who paid for security at the Ben Shapiro event. I’ve seen that mentioned many times in comments as a critique of the BU Administration, but I was under the impression that the Young Americans for Freedom Organization paid the costs on behalf of the student group. I think it’s a fair question, especially when BU seems to deny the costs of added security to much smaller events.


  2. In response to the last question, the talk was funding by The Young America’s Foundation, not the university. It is also not a matter of have to, but a significant number of students (hundreds) were interested in seeing Shapiro speak. There is no reason why those who think differently, or even if they do not, but are still interested, should be able to attend a lecture with someone like Shapiro. He does not spew hate speech, this is simply rhetoric, and I would advise taking the time to actually listen to what he says during his talks and podcasts. I am a Democrat and disagree with virtually all of his political views, but I still find him to have a very valid and valuable opinion, and firmly believe we must stop distancing ourselves from difference of opinion and start engaging more with one another if we are ever going to see progress in this country. If you do not like him, simply don’t go. But it is wrong for your dislike of the man to get in the way of others from enjoying the opportunity.

  3. My primary issue with Ben Shapiro is that the things he says (in general, in public) are very very stupid. Of the points I’ve heard repeated from his talk, which of them do people find meritorious and compelling?

    “You are not slaves so why would you care about slavery?”
    It’s fascinating that Ben Shapiro, a Jew like me, would ask this question. Passover is a celebration of having been slaves and been rescued, and a meditation on exactly this question. How can we rest while there are people who are unfree? Ben seems to have simply abdicated the question with the response (we have zero responsibility period).

    “Okay maybe there are slaves in other countries but slavery ended a long time ago in America, just stop talking about it!”
    Ben is simply factually wrong. In the internet age, his ignorance can only be seen as intentional. McDonalds uniforms are not made in China. They’re made in America. They’re made in America by prisoners paid $0.35/hour. In California, “volunteer” firefighters were given the dangerous task of putting out wildfires. These volunteers were prisoners paid less than a dollar a day for their work. This isn’t recent history, this is today.

    “But this isn’t slavery, look at the 13th amendment! It makes slavery unconstitutional!”
    Let’s read it together:
    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    So slavery is constitutional as long as due process has been applied. Well in America, a country with more than two million prisoners, half are serving long sentences without ever having committed an act of violence, and 94% are incarcerated without ever having had a jury deliberate on their case. The school to prison pipeline ensues that the private prisons which are built at a much faster rate than schools stay full. This is slavery.

    It’s not literal hereditary chattel slavery. But it’s very blatant. Ben Shapiro exists to ease the mind of people with just enough conscience to be concerned, but not enough courage to simply believe what is plainly true. He exists to give people an out. His questions aren’t for any opposition, they’re too far off base. They preach to his choir a mantra of close your eyes, bury your head in the sand, and pepper anyone else with questions so wrong they take a long time to fully correct.

    1. Aaron. You have to wake up man. You have to wake up. Reread what you wrote and think a little. Prisoners getting paid 35 cents an hour. They are prisoners. They did something wrong. No one is forcing them to hold a job while in prison. How is that slavery?

        1. Kathleen, I genuinely dont understand the question. He pointed out, quite rightly, that prisoners are prisoners. Why are we concerned about a ‘fair pay’ argument for prisoners? They owe a debt to society and pay that off by working for society. That is NOT slavery. We can talk about incarceration rates and the secondary issues (to THIS point. They’re actually primary issues, i know) like that but as a concept and in practice overall that is NOT slavery.

          He also mentioned ‘volunteer’ firefighters as an example. I think i’ll just let that one simmer.

    2. Aaron, when you put quote marks around words you are attributing to someone it is incumbent upon you to quote his actual words, or you are simply propagating falsehoods.

      At least two of the statements you put quotation marks around are so far from anything Shapiro has said as to be antithetical to positions he publicly holds. The third one looks like possibly a badly mangled version of something he MIGHT have said, but it is not articulated in his fashion.

      Are you making these up out of whole cloth or have you a source to cite?

    3. The reason they are in prison is because they were found guilty of committing crimes, This is their punishment. They are provided housing, food, clothing, medical care. Which is more than homeless vets get for defending our country! I have to work so I can have housing, food, clothes, medical care. Why shouldn’t they?

  4. Liberals like free speech until they disagree with it. I highly doubt that all 1,500 protesters outside have even listened to or read anything by Ben Shapiro, yet they’re outraged. Whatever Ben Shapiro says can be considered just as inflammatory as any SJW women’s studies major at BU. Grow the F up, people.

  5. There was a lawsuit regarding the funding of security for speakers requiring expense security, the verdict was that University must pay. Liberals don’t get to silence conservatives by making their expression super costly and then state if only….

  6. This really comes down to the use of history as a bottomless pit to mine for grievances, or as a tool to inform future behavior. There is power in trying to undermine the ground on which we stand, right up until it collapses, sending all of us, including the perpetually whinging victim groups, into the abyss.

    “The presence of police with guns is triggering to students of color.”

    There are no “students of color.” That is a mindless generalization, through which you try to gain statistical advantage even though many or most of the groups so including (and I am a member of one of those groups) have no common cause with you.

    But to address the point, if you wish conservations to be held without armed police present, a) stop becoming violent when confronted with opinions you dislike, b) stop trying to disrupt speakers with whom you disagree, and c) listen to what is said, instead of assuming there is no common ground.

  7. Pretty sure what Ben Shapiro means by when he says that America wasn’t founded on slavery is the core fundamental values of America, which still form the basis of America are not on slavery or class hierarchies, but rather on Freedoms and Responsibilities.

    Think a lot of people who read or “listen” to his work form evaluations before actually considering his argument in entirety.

    Shapiro is definitely has some biases, given his identity, but we all do, overall what his talks contain are founded on logic and a well formulated philosophy.

    People really need to listen more.

    The only reason he continues to do talks and makes a talk show is because the left-wing-liberals have hijacked everything and have made it virtually impossible to have meaningful discourse anymore in the public domain.

  8. Aaron, you argument is entirely straw man. I listened to this speech and the words you put in quotations were never uttered by Ben Shapiro.

    You’re misrepresenting his argument and attacking that instead. And your counterargument – that our prison system is some form of modern-day slavery – is based entirely on opinion.

  9. Free speech is a fundamental right in the US. Anyone who tries to suppress it is wrong. Debate is healthy for a democracy. Listen to both sides and form an opinion. If you don’t listen to an opposing view, then your opinion loses credibility. Simple huh? Extremists on both sides seem to forget this. Many professors, particularly, which seems curious considering the title they hold.

  10. I consider myself a moderate. I have issues with conservatives & liberals.
    What really is scary to me though is seeing institutions of higher education allowing the louder more radical elements to undercut the very core of higher education. These children are allowed to bully their fellow students & faculty who disagree with them. All the while screaming victimhood. Instead of embracing different opinions and discovering what is truth & what is not, they are pushing their own views as the only truth. This is the antithesis of higher education.
    Those in charge need to assert the values of discussion and quit letting the kids run the school

    1. you are so right.

      If this is what they are teaching in college how does anyone with this angry, closed mindset ever expect to get along in life, let alone a good job? What a waste.

  11. And here I thought the purpose of higher education was to enable the civil exchange and debate of ideas, and to learn from both the ideas we agree with and those we disagree with. But Piston’s view seems to be that we should eliminate all views that don’t fit some preordained acceptability threshold. This should make those who believe in teaching liberal arts and academic freedom very very nervous.

  12. The conservative scrutiny on Ms. Ocasio-Cortez took a strange turn this week when a popular conservative commentator and speaker, Ben Shapiro, challenged Ms. Ocasio-Cortez to a debate and offered to pay her campaign $10,000 in return.

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