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There are 4 comments on New Evidence Links Head Trauma, Brain Disease in Football Players

  1. I suffered multiple concussions playing high school and college football in the 1970’s. I also had severe head trauma from a bicycle accident at age 11. Over the last decade increasing problems with memory, attention and severe depression have been treated by psychiatrists, nuerologists and psychologists without success. I was initially diagnosed with Adult ADD and recent nuerological (EEG) testing and a nueropsychological evaluation seem to have ruled out previous head trauma or ADD as a cause. Three years after having a 6-figure income, I am out of work and am loosing my house to foreclosure. What else can I do to get answers???????

  2. Contact the Statewide head injury program at the Mass Rehab commission. The state has a program to provide services, from evaluations to case managment, depending on the needs. All you need to qualify is proof of a brain injury such as medical records from an accident.

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