Prof Ngom’s African Ajami Research Project Update
Prof. Fallou Ngom and Daivi Rodima-Taylor report a significant milestone in their Readers in Ajami project – their interactive multimedia website is now publicly accessible, and they have also completed the 200-page Wolof Ajami Reader, the first of the planned three Ajami Readers, which is available on the project website. New Ajami Readers and Multimedia Tools: The Readers in Ajami […]
Prof. Hefner delivers keynote address at the Indonesian Embassy’s 16th annual “Indonesian Focus Conference on Culture, Politics, and Educational Exchange”
Prof. Robert Hefner gives two prestigious talks. On October 5, 2024, Prof. Hefner was invited to give the keynote address at the Indonesian Embassy’s 16th annual “Indonesian Focus Conference on Culture, Politics, and Educational Exchange.” His keynote was entitled, “How Indonesia Created the Most Effective Democracy in the Muslim World.” His remarks explored how it […]
READ: Prof Cheryl Knott and alum Andrea Digiorgio’s chapter in new book “How Primates Eat”
Prof Robert Hefner interviewed by Dr. Alice Evans for her podcast “Rocking our Priors”
Prof Robert Hefner was interviewed by Dr Alice Evans for her pod cast series “Rocking our Priors.” Evans interviews leading experts on growth, governance, & gender inequalities. She is a Senior Lecturer at King’s College London, and Faculty Associate at the Harvard Kennedy School.…/islam-and-citizenship-in… & “Islam And Citizenship in Indonesia”: Robert Hefner Professor […]
READ: Prof Cheryl Knott and PhD alum Andrea DiGiorgio’s chapter in new book “How Primates Eat”
Professor Cheryl Knott and PhD alum Andrea DiGiorgio co-authored chapter 7 in a new book from the University of Chicago Press: How Primates Eat: A Synthesis of Nutritional Ecology across a Mammal Order. From DiGirogio about the book: Exciting news!! After working on a chapter with Dr. Cheryl Knott for 7 years, this book is […]
Prof Chris Schmitt featured in National Geographic
National Geographic has written a feature interview with Professor Christopher Schmitt about his research and released it today for Pride Month. See the interview here:
Retiring professors Merry “Corky” White, Shahla Haeri and Matt Cartmill featured in BU CAS News
Merry “Corky” White, Shahla Haeri and Matt Cartmill have been featured in BU CAS News’ tribute page to this years retiring faculty. Read their features here:
Prof. Robert Hefner Delivers Keynote at Islamic University
Prof. Robert Hefner Delivered a Keynote entitled “Mencari Etika Publik Inklusif di Alam Demokrasi” (“In Search of an Inclusive Public Ethics in Democratic Indonesia”) at Islamic University on May 3rd. Read about the keynote in the Pardee School’s article HERE. (
Prof. Kimberly Arkin receives the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Education
Professor Kimberly Arkin has been chosen by the university to receive the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Education. Congratulations Kimberly!
Prof. Cheryl Knott receives Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor
Professor Cheryl Knott has been chosen as Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor in recognition of outstanding scholarship, teaching, and service to the College of Arts & Sciences. The award comes with five years of a $30,000 stipend. Prof. Knott will retain the title of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor for the duration of her time […]