Clinical Professor, African American & Black Diaspora Studies
Joyce Hope Scott is a Clinical Professor of African American & Black Diaspora Studies at Boston University, Boston and national and international scholar/lecturer in African American and Diaspora studies. She is a former scholar of the Oxford Round Table and former Fulbright Senior Lecturer & Researcher to the republics of Burkina Faso and Benin (West Africa). Prof. Hope Scott is co-coordinator and investigator of the International Network of Scholars and Activists for African Reparations (INOSAAR). She is the author of numerous publications including:
“Reparations, Restitution, Transitional Justice. The International Network of Scholars and Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR).” Symposium: Using World-History to Inform Work for Reparations. Journal Of World-Systems Research. Vo. 26 Issue 2. (DOI 10.5195/JWSR. 2020).
Transnationalisms and Intersectionalities in the Novels of Francophone African Women.” INTENDED FOR PUBLICATION IN Transnational Africana Women’s Fictions (the Book) edited by Cheryl Sterling (the Editor) to be published by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis Books Ltd (the Publisher)
POV: It’s Time for Reparations and Transitional Justice for African Americans. BU Today. September 2020.
National and International Perspectives on Movements for Reparations. Journal of African American History. Special Issue. Vol. 103 Number ½. Special Issue. (Winter/Spring 2018). Frith, Nicola and Joyce Hope Scott (Guest Eds.)
“Travel as Subversive in 19th Century Black Women’s Narratives.” Advances in Literary Study, 2017, 5, 105-121. DOI:10.4236/als.2017.54009. ISSN Online: 2327-4050 ISSN Print: 2327-4034.
“New Griottes of the African Sahel: Intersectionalities and Women’s Narrative Authority in Sanou Bernadette Dao’s La Dernière èpouse & Aïcha Fofona’s Mariage on Copie.” Advances in Literary Study, ISSN Online: 2327-4050, December 2016.
“The Emancipated Century”: Remapping History, Reclaiming Memory in August Wilson’s Dramatic Landscapes of the 20th Century.” August Wilson’s Pittsburgh Cycle: Critical Perspectives on the Plays. Sandra G. Shannon (Ed.) Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers, 2016.
“Contentious Discourses: Signifying on the Law in African American Writing.” Journalism & Mass Communication Vol.5 No. 4, (April 2015 ), pp. 181 – 193.
“Alden Bland and the Chicago Renaissance.” Writers of The Black Chicago Renaissance. Steven C. Tracy (Ed). University of Ill. Press, 2011.
“Subversive Language and the Carnivalesque in Toni Morrison.” Cambridge Companion to Toni Morrison, 2007. Justine Tally (Ed.). Cambridge U Press, 2007.
Camel Tracks: Critical Perspectives on Sahelian Literatures. Debra Boyd-Buggs and Joyce Hope Scott (Eds.). Africa World Press, 2002.
Her current teaching and research interests include African Spirituality in literature and culture of America, Media and Race, Global Perspectives on Reparations, Restitution & Restorative Justice, Law and Narrative in the African American Literary Tradition, African American & African Women’s Narratives of Resistance and Historical & Repair
CV here.
Syllabus AA388 Transnational Black Radicalism from the 19th Century to the Present Spring 2022