Classical Studies

The graduate program in Classical Studies prepares students to be both insightful scholars of the ancient Greek and Roman Mediterranean world and effective and inspiring teachers. The program centers on structured study of the classical languages, Greco-Roman culture, and the methods of research available for the classical world. The faculty, as teachers and mentors, provide careful training and guidance of students, who are encouraged to show independent initiative in pursuing their own interests, goals, and intellectual identities. In addition to training students for college and university positions, we support students who pursue alternative career pathways, including those not within the tenure-track professoriate.

The Department of Classical Studies promotes interdisciplinary and comparative literary, historical, and cultural studies embracing a wide range of areas. Our particular strengths lie in Greek and Roman epic, Greek drama, Greek and Roman history, literature of the Roman Republic and Empire, Indo-European/historical linguistics, translation studies, and reception studies.


Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics and The Journal of Field Archaeology are edited at Boston University.

Arrowsmith/Lindsay Library

The department maintains a reading-room library that includes a collection of texts from the estate of Professor William Arrowsmith. The collection is made up of Greek and Latin texts, the Loeb Classical Library, basic reference works, and a variety of related materials. The remainder of the classical collection is housed in the University’s Mugar Library.

Computer Resources

Students have access to a broad range of online classics and humanities resources through Mugar Library. A guide to these resources is available here.