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There are 5 comments on YouSpeak: Who Best to Beat Obama?

  1. Intellect, politics, and experience aside, I can’t vote for anyone for President who has demonstrated “poor judgment” as an adult. “Judgment” – the ability to make the right decision – is the single most important characteristic one should look for in Presidential candidate. Sorry Newt.

  2. Romney is probably the best the GOP can get right now, which isn’t saying much. He’s running against a disgraced serial adulterer who was publicly censured by Congress, Rick “Flash in the pan” Santorum, and poor Ron Paul who can’t manage to get any attention at all.

    What we should really ask is, do any of them deserve to replace Barack Obama? Romney is the antithesis of everything the occupy movement stands for; a wealthy businessman who games the system to enrich himself and his cronies at the expense of all the peons beneath him. As governor, his administration had zero transparency- in fact he destroyed all emails and hard drives in the state house when he left office.

    I’m not going to defend all of Obama’s policies, but I’m far from convinced that the GOP has offered anything that could be considered an improvement over the current administration.

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