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There are 9 comments on Today, BUworks Answers Your Questions

  1. Project Management 101 – don’t ever implement a major system (let alone two) without doing some sort of parallel testing. And not one senior person in this project knew that? I’m not reassured these are the people to fix the ongoing problems. It’s far from being adequate.

    1. SOS, you are 100% correct and the project did 3 rounds of parallel testing for payroll before go-live, and extensive checking of the first weekly and monthly payroll cycles. This is in addition to 3 rounds of Integration Testing and User Acceptance Testing.

  2. SAP is horrible. Should have gone with Peoplesoft. Ask any administrator and you will learn the truth. The rubber will meet the road when its time to balance the books end of June. Not one account I can see shows all the charges. Can’t transfer money between departments. Can’t direct deposit money. Everything is less efficient.

  3. From having used a number of a solutions from Peoplesoft to Oracle to SAP, each one has their pros and cons. Any solution would have its share of growing pains, but good for BU Works for listening to the community to help improve this adjustment period.

    1. Morton P. , thanks for your support! I note that discussions with many other higher ed institutions that use SAP (and PeopleSoft) indicate it takes 2 to 3 years to fully stabilize after an implementation of this size. I also note that we had 26 years to “perfect” the legacy system, and we are only 8 months after implementation. It will only continue to improve.

  4. We must acknowledge that it takes a community to make something happen. Yes is important to address the flaws, but most important is to acknowledge the hard work and dedication behind the project. Instead on focusing on the negative lets work together to make this work. Lets put on our thinking hats and see what we can come up with to make BUworks successful! GOOD LUCK and keep up the good work!

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