• Edward A. Brown

    Edward A. Brown Profile

  • Johannes Hirn (COM’10)

    Johannes Hirn (COM’10) Profile

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There are 2 comments on No Brace, 26 Miles

  1. What a great story! I love hearing stories about what people can achieve when they start making those baby steps towards being as healthy as they can possibly be, no matter what challenges they have. …and when it snowballs into something like this! Just fantastic! So great to have her daughter & her husband’s support & participation too!

    I hope Mary’s appointment with her doc goes well. Even if this ends up being a one-time thing for her – What an accomplishment! GO MARY!

  2. inspirational story!
    getting and staying fit and healthy is tough for most people, but when done as part of such a big group one cannot ask for a bigger motivator

    thanks for sharing this story

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