On this page:

Output to a Spreadsheet (CSV format)

  1. Add this line of code to your Telegraph configuration file:
    <directive action="file" filename="filename-relative-to-form" format="csv" fields="field-names-separated-by-commas" />
  2. Replace filename-relative-to-form with the name of your output file (including any relative path information) and field-names-separated-by-commas with any field(s) which will be output to the spreadsheet file.
    • Example:
      <directive action="file" filename="output/military.csv" format="csv" fields="name,rank,serial-number" />

Output to a Spreadsheet (tab-delimited format)

  1. Add this line of code to your Telegraph configuration file:
    <directive action="file" filename="filename-relative-to-form" format="tab-delimited" fields="field-names-separated-by-commas" />
  2. Replace filename-relative-to-form with the name of your output file (including any relative path information) and field-names-separated-by-commas with any field(s) which will be output to the spreadsheet file.
    • Example:
      <directive action="file" filename="output/military.xls" format="tab-delimited" fields="name,rank,serial-number" />