Creating a new Marconi Form

  1. Begin by creating an HTML form.
  2. Specify Marconi integration for your HTML form by incorporating one of the following `<form>` tags
    • For general-use test forms (which point to Test Nelnet, if it’s payment form):
      • <form action="">
    • For general-use production forms (which point to Production Nelnet if it’s a payment form):
      • <form action="">
    • For protected test forms (which point to Test Nelnet, if it’s a payment form):

      • <form action="">
    • For protected production forms (which point to Production Nelnet if it’s payment form):
      <form action="">
  3. The Marconi configuration file represented as .xml files, are managed by IS&T and stored in `bu-ist/phpbin-marconi/forms/` in IS&T GitHub, overseen by the Web Team. Typically, each site has a corresponding directory containing a Marconi form, utilized as the `form_id` – for example, `form_id=”sitename”`. If a site directory contains multiple configurations, include the configuration file name in the `form_id` – for instance, `form_id=”sitename:filename”`. Note that the “.xml” extension is excluded in the `form_id` value.
  4. This line of code to your HTML form underneath the opening <form> tag:, identifies the form’s configuration file. The form_id is relative to
    • Example:

      Site with one configuration file, i.e. config.xml, i.e. /phpbin-marconi/forms/webteam/config.xml:

      • <input type='hidden' name='form_id' id='form_id' value="webteam" >
      • Or
        if a site directory has multiple form configs in a site’s directory, such as

          • <input type='hidden' name='form_id' id='form_id' value="webteam:contact" >
          • <input type='hidden' name='form_id' id='form_id' value="webteam:mailinglist" >
          • <input type='hidden' name='form_id' id='form_id' value="webteam:registration" >
  5. You can now add form functions using specific directives in the config files.

For examples of complete Marconi form code and configuration files, see our list of examples.