Joshua Hassol, PhD



Transportation and Environmental Planning


PhD in Social Ecology (focus on Urban and Regional Planning), School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine
Fulbright Scholar, University of British Columbia
BA with Honors, Science in Society Program, Wesleyan University


UA 619: Urban Transportation, Policy and Planning
UA 510: Special Topics: New Trends in Transportation


Joshua Hassol, PhD, is a senior transportation technology policy analyst at the United States Department of Transportation’s Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. Joshua leads research to analyze the safety, mobility, energy/environment, security, and asset management implications of advanced transportation technologies. Joshua’s current work includes leading an analysis of the potential economic and network impacts of automated trucks, and serving as the principal investigator on a project to understand the data integration and digital infrastructure needs of connected and automated vehicles.  Joshua’s past projects have included developing multinomial consumer-choice models to predict impacts of proposed fuel-economy regulations on the composition of the US passenger vehicle fleet, and authoring a white paper on technology trends and long-term travel demand.

Dr. Hassol holds a PhD in Social Ecology (focus on urban and regional planning) from UC Irvine, and is a Fulbright Fellow. 

Contact Information:

Phone: (617) 358-4637