Photo: A woman with dark hair and glasses smiling and posing in a lab. There is a video play button over the image
Soft Robots

Just How Safe Are Soft Robots?

BU undergraduate Sarah Alizadeh-Shabdiz is trying to find out, with the help of a remote control car

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Connecting with President Melissa Gilliam

Melissa Gilliam is the subject of our latest “Connecting with…,” a series highlighting the incredible faculty and staff that make Boston University tick. Check out her unique ties to the University and what makes her #ProudtoBU.

Today’s Close-up

Photo: People milling around a large jet engine which was created by the GE Aerospace BU recruiting team. The jet engine sits on a a large display in a back corner alley.

GE’s LEAP Jet Engine Visits BU

GE Aerospace brought its LEAP jet engine to campus on September 16, part of a national tour to celebrate 50 years of a joint venture with France’s Safran to produce the engines. Brett Meyer (ENG’10) and Tom Hubschman (ENG’14) were on hand representing GE’s BU recruitment team. GE Aerospace regularly hires ENG students for jobs and internships.

Photo by Jackie Ricciardi

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Fall foliage at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, MA. Photo via Unsplash/ana_essentiels

Boston’s Rain-Free Month May Mean Fall Foliage Will Come Early This Year

BU biologist explains how recent long stretch of little to no precipitation is impacting Boston area forests and how this pattern is in line with climate change predictions

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