History of Art & Architecture

The Department of History of Art & Architecture offers programs of study leading to the MA and PhD in art history. We also offer a Certificate in Museum Studies, which is usually completed in conjunction with the MA.

These programs are designed to prepare students for careers in teaching, museum curatorship, administration, and related fields. Faculty offer graduate courses in most areas of art history, including African, American, Asian, European, and Latin American art. Some departmental courses are conducted at local galleries and area museums. Cross-registration agreements exist with Boston College, Brandeis University, and Tufts University. All courses taken outside Boston University must be approved by the director of graduate studies and must be taken for a letter grade. For more information on faculty and graduate student research interests, please visit our website. Graduate study in the Department of History of Art & Architecture at Boston University exposes the student not only to the faculty and facilities of the University itself, but also to the curators and faculty of the many universities, colleges, museums, and historical agencies in Boston and New England.