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Theory of Knowledge

The papers indexed below were given at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998. Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. These papers will be listed for a period of time at the What's New? page.

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Theory of Knowledge
Author's Name Affiliation Paper Title
Elena B. Agoshkova St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University Systems Thinking in the Twenty-First Century
E.V. Altekar University of Pune Arrow of Time: Towards a New Epistemology of Science
Edward J. Bartek   A Global Theory of Knowledge for the Future
Janos Boros University Pécs Representationalism and Antirepresentationalism - Kant, Davidson and Rorty
Michael Bradie Bowling Green State University Normalizing Naturalized Epistemology
Andrew Brook and Jennifer McRobert Carleton University and Acadia University Kant's Attack on the Amphiboly of the Concepts of Reflection
Andrew N. Carpenter Antioch College Kant, the Body, and Knowledge
Claudio F. Costa UFRN Gettiers Problem: Eine Pragmatische Lösung German
Mariano Crespo Internationale Akademie für Philosophie ¿Son las leyes logicas leyes psicologicas?: Aporías de la interpretación psicologista de la lógicaSpanish
Bahaa Darwish Menya University Two Points Against Naturalized Epistemology
Gregg Ten Elshoff University of Southern California An Internalist Rejoinder to Skepticism
James B. Freeman Hunter College CUNY Aristotelian Intellectual Intuition, Basic Beliefs and Naturalistic Epistemology
Sílvio Gallo Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba Conocimiento y transversalidadSpanish
Manfred Gawlina M.A.Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitit Transcendental Philosophy and Its Specific Demands
Miriam Graciano   Biology, Pragmatism and the Question of Contradiction
Daniel Howard-Snyder   BonJour's 'Basic Antifoundationalist Argument'
Priyedarshi Jetli University of Delhi Knowledge by Invention: Extending a Kantian Dichotomy to a Poincaréan Trichotomy
Riku Juti University of Helsinki Willing and Knowing
Timo Kajamies University of Turku Are Spinozistic Ideas Cartesian Judgements?
Hylarie Kochiras University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Belief Worlds and Epistemic Possibilities
Roman Kozlowski Instytut Filosofii, Uniwersytet im. a. Mickiewicza, Poznan, Poland Der Apriorismus Kants im Lichte der Interpretation Maimons German
Zekiye Kutlusoy Gazi University The Significance and Priority of Evidential Basis in Epistemic Justification
Markus Lammenranta University of Helsinki Circularity and Stability
Ali Mesbah   Subject-Object Relation in Mullâ Sadrâ's Theory of Knowledge
Ludmila A. Mikeshina   Subject, Education, Truth
D. K. Mohanta Assam University Cognitive Scepticism Of Nagarjuna
Dwayne H. Mulder Clarion University of Pennsylvania Explanation, Understanding, and Subjectivity
Dan Nesher University of Haifa In Spite of Davidson's Arguments for "The Folly of Trying to Define Truth," Truth Can Be Defined
Susana Nuccetelli   What Anti-Individualists Cannot Know A Priori
Doris Olin Glendon College, York University Consistency and Epistemic Probability
Andrei Rodin   Event and Milieu
W. Kim Rogers East Tennessee State University Human Life And World: On the Insufficency of the Phenomemological Concept of the Life-World
Stephanie Grace Schull State University of New York at Stony Brook The Knowing Psychical Body
Joachim Schummer University of Karlsruhe Epistemology of Material Properties
Herman E. Stark South Suburban College Expertise and Rationality
Luz González Umeres Universidad de Piura La Teoria del Conocimiento en Leonardo Polo: Consecuencias para la Filosofía de la EducaciónSpanishS.gif (1012 bytes)
Susan Vineberg Wayne State University Coherence and Epistemic Rationality
Eldon C. Wait University of Zululand A Phenomenological Reply to Berkeley's 'Water Experiment'
Monika Walczak The Catholic University of Lublin The Classical Conception Of Rationality
K. Brad Wray University of Calgary Defending Longino's Social Epistemology
Mauricio Zuluaga Universidad del Valle De como interpretar el argumento del suenoSpanish
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Page Created: April 9, 1999
Last Modified: June 9, 2000


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