
Eliandro Tavares (CGS’16, CAS’18)

Researcher | Specialties: Energy, Equity, Sustainability

Researcher working to achieve carbon neutrality through electrification


I am a passionate believer in the electrification of our energy sector and the creation of pathways to carbon neutrality. In my free time, I love to focus on my fitness and practice Portuguese.



  • Participated in the National Science Foundation's Macro Systems Biology Project, which studied the changes in tree carbon content resulting from climate change. I worked as a field technician collecting ecological data in the experimental forests of New Hampshire and Upper Michigan.
  • Completed a directed study that looked at lead content in Massachusetts public water systems, and helped to raise awareness in high-risk areas (mostly low-income areas).

Beyond BU

  • Working for a nonprofit consulting group, almost all my work is sustainability- or climate-related. My favorite contributions are my equity matrices for the Carbon Free Boston Social Equity Report 2019.
  • Creating the Hennepin County, Minn., Consumption-Based Emissions Inventory.

Advice for BU Students

Find a specific area you are most interested in and try to specialize in it. Ask your professors to help you with directed study.


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