Ruth Paris



• Attachment-based therapeutic interventions for parents and young children

• Trauma and early childhood in vulnerable populations

• Substance misuse and parenting

• Cultural issues in parenting

• Infant and early childhood mental health

• Mixed methods research

• Community-based participatory research

faculty details


Ruth Paris is recognized for her expertise in trauma and infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH), including a particular focus on families struggling with substance and opioid use disorders (SUDs and OUDs). With support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), other federal funders and private foundations, she has developed and evaluated multiple attachment-based interventions targeted at vulnerable families with young children.

Paris’ work is driven by her desire to develop effective and accessible interventions that are feasible in community settings, culturally responsive, benefit families with young children and make substantive sense in the field. Recently, Paris evaluated a dyadic therapeutic parenting intervention, BRIGHT (Building Resilience Through Intervention: Growing Healthier Together), which is offered in substance use treatment programs. She also developed a curriculum guide in association with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), which provides more in-depth social work education on infant and early childhood mental health.

She has served as a subject matter expert for SAMHSA/HHS and Mathematica Policy Research regarding interventions for parents with SUDs and their young children. Paris is also an invited member of the Council on Social Work Education steering committee to develop an IECMH curriculum guide for schools of social work.


BA (Psychology & Sociology)

Clark University


Smith College

PhD (Social Welfare)

University of California, Berkeley

Postdoctoral Fellow (Public Health)

University of California, Berkeley


CP 759 Introduction to Clinical Social Work Practice
CP 772 Clinical Practice with Families
CP 782 Stress and Trauma in the Early Years: Interventions with Young Children and Families
CP 785 Family Therapy
CP 791 Seminar: Family Therapy
SR 904 Quantitative Clinical Research Methods


CP 759 Introduction to Clinical Social Work Practice
CP 772 Clinical Practice with Families
CP 782 Stress and Trauma in the Early Years: Interventions with Young Children and Families
CP 785 Family Therapy
CP 791 Seminar: Family Therapy
SR 904 Quantitative Clinical Research Methods


Walsh, T., Paris, R., Ribaudo, J. & Gilkerson, L. (In press) Locating infant and early childhood mental health at the heart of social work. Social Work, 61(1).

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A., *Hacking, S., *Maru, M. & **Sommer, A. (2020). Secrecy versus disclosure: Women with substance use disorders share experiences in help seeking during pregnancy. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 24, 1396–1403.

DeVoe, E. R., Ross, A. M., Spencer, R., *Drew, A., Acker, M., Paris, R., & Jacoby, V. (2019). Coparenting across the deployment cycle: Observations from military families with young children. Journal of Family Issues.

Paris, R., Bartlett, J.D. & *Beaugard, C. (2019). Early childhood risk factors, prevention and intervention. In M. Vaughn, C. Salas-Wright, & D. Jackson (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of delinquency and health, 1st Edition. Routledge.

Bosk, E. A., Paris, R., Hanson, K. E., Ruisard, D. & Suchman, N. (2019). Innovations in child welfare interventions for caregivers with substance use disorders and their children, Children and Youth Services Review, 101, 99-112.

DeVoe, E.R., Kaufman Kantor, G., *Emmert-Aronson, B., Paris, R. & *Kritikos, T.M. (2018). Young child well-being in military families: A snapshot. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 27(7), 2138-2148.

Paris, R., **Sommer, A., & **Marron, B. (2018). Project BRIGHT: An attachment-based intervention for mothers with substance use disorders and their young children. In M. Muzik & K. L. Rosenblum (Eds.), Motherhood in the face of trauma: Pathways toward healing and growth (pp. 181-196). Springer.

DeVoe, E. R., Paris, R., *Emmert-Aronson, B., *Ross, A., & Acker, M. (2017). A randomized clinical trial of a post-deployment parenting intervention for service members and their families with very young children. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 9(S1), 25.

Paris, R., Herriott, A., Holt, M. & Gould, K. (2015). Differential responsiveness to a parenting intervention for mothers in substance abuse treatment. Child Abuse and Neglect, 50, 205-217, DOI:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.09.007

Speilman, E., Herriott, A., Paris, R., & Sommer, A. (2015). Building a model program for substance-exposed newborns and their families: From needs assessment to intervention, evaluation and consultation. Zero to Three Journal, 36(1), 47-56.

DeVoe, E.R., Paris, R., & Ross, A. (2012). Build it together and they will come: The case for community-based participatory research with military populations. Advances in Social Work, 13(1), 149-165

Paris, R., Acker, M., Ross, A., & DeVoe, E.R. (2011). When military parents come home: Building Strong Families Strong Forces, a home-based intervention for military families with very young children. Zero to Three, 32(2), 36-43.

Paris, R., Bolton, R., & Spielman, E. (2011) Evaluating a home-based dyadic intervention: Changes in postpartum depression, maternal perceptions, and mother-infant interactions. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32(3), 310-338.

Paris, R., Bolton, R., & Weinberg, M. K. (2009). Postpartum depression, suicidality and mother-infant interactions. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 12(5), 309-321. DOI 10.1007/s00737-009-0105-2.

Paris, R., Spielman, E., & Bolton, R. (2009). Mother-infant psychotherapy: Examining the therapeutic process of change. Infant Mental Health Journal, 30(3), 301-319.

Paris, R. (2008). “For the dream of being here, one sacrifices…”: Voices of immigrant mothers in a home visiting program. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78(2), 141-151.


Walsh, T., Paris, R., Ribaudo, J. & Gilkerson, L. (In press) Locating infant and early childhood mental health at the heart of social work. Social Work, 61(1).

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A., *Hacking, S., *Maru, M. & **Sommer, A. (2020). Secrecy versus disclosure: Women with substance use disorders share experiences in help seeking during pregnancy. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 24, 1396–1403.

DeVoe, E. R., Ross, A. M., Spencer, R., *Drew, A., Acker, M., Paris, R., & Jacoby, V. (2019). Coparenting across the deployment cycle: Observations from military families with young children. Journal of Family Issues.

Paris, R., Bartlett, J.D. & *Beaugard, C. (2019). Early childhood risk factors, prevention and intervention. In M. Vaughn, C. Salas-Wright, & D. Jackson (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of delinquency and health, 1st Edition. Routledge.

Bosk, E. A., Paris, R., Hanson, K. E., Ruisard, D. & Suchman, N. (2019). Innovations in child welfare interventions for caregivers with substance use disorders and their children, Children and Youth Services Review, 101, 99-112.

DeVoe, E.R., Kaufman Kantor, G., *Emmert-Aronson, B., Paris, R. & *Kritikos, T.M. (2018). Young child well-being in military families: A snapshot. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 27(7), 2138-2148.

Paris, R., **Sommer, A., & **Marron, B. (2018). Project BRIGHT: An attachment-based intervention for mothers with substance use disorders and their young children. In M. Muzik & K. L. Rosenblum (Eds.), Motherhood in the face of trauma: Pathways toward healing and growth (pp. 181-196). Springer.

DeVoe, E. R., Paris, R., *Emmert-Aronson, B., *Ross, A., & Acker, M. (2017). A randomized clinical trial of a post-deployment parenting intervention for service members and their families with very young children. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 9(S1), 25.

Paris, R., Herriott, A., Holt, M. & Gould, K. (2015). Differential responsiveness to a parenting intervention for mothers in substance abuse treatment. Child Abuse and Neglect, 50, 205-217, DOI:10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.09.007

Speilman, E., Herriott, A., Paris, R., & Sommer, A. (2015). Building a model program for substance-exposed newborns and their families: From needs assessment to intervention, evaluation and consultation. Zero to Three Journal, 36(1), 47-56.

DeVoe, E.R., Paris, R., & Ross, A. (2012). Build it together and they will come: The case for community-based participatory research with military populations. Advances in Social Work, 13(1), 149-165

Paris, R., Acker, M., Ross, A., & DeVoe, E.R. (2011). When military parents come home: Building Strong Families Strong Forces, a home-based intervention for military families with very young children. Zero to Three, 32(2), 36-43.

Paris, R., Bolton, R., & Spielman, E. (2011) Evaluating a home-based dyadic intervention: Changes in postpartum depression, maternal perceptions, and mother-infant interactions. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32(3), 310-338.

Paris, R., Bolton, R., & Weinberg, M. K. (2009). Postpartum depression, suicidality and mother-infant interactions. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 12(5), 309-321. DOI 10.1007/s00737-009-0105-2.

Paris, R., Spielman, E., & Bolton, R. (2009). Mother-infant psychotherapy: Examining the therapeutic process of change. Infant Mental Health Journal, 30(3), 301-319.

Paris, R. (2008). “For the dream of being here, one sacrifices…”: Voices of immigrant mothers in a home visiting program. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78(2), 141-151.


Paris, R. & Query, A. (2020, September). The Growing Together Study: A pragmatic clinical trial for women in opioid treatment and their infants.” Invited presentation to the Grayken Center Clinical Care Committee, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA (remote presentation).

Paris, R., *Maru, M. & *Herriott, A. (2020, June). Social-emotional development in infants of mothers with substance use disorders. Presentation as part of the symposium, Interventions for mothers with substance use disorders and their infants: Pregnancy through infancy. 17th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Brisbane, Australia (Conference postponed until June 2021).

Maru, M., *Paris, R. & **Garber, K. (2020, June). Family and parenting predictors of social-emotional development of Latinx immigrant young children. Presentation as part of the symposium, Immigrant/refugee families with infants and young children: Experiences, needs and interventions (R. Paris symposium chair). 17th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Brisbane, Australia (Conference postponed until June 2021).

Paris, R., Rose-Jacobs, R., Short Mejia, A., **Query, A., & *Maru, M. (2020, June). BRIGHT: An attachment-based perinatal parenting intervention for women with opioid use disorders and their infants. Presentation as part of symposium, Innovative therapeutic interventions for infants and their parents with substance use disorders (R. Paris, symposium chair). 17th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Brisbane, Australia (Conference postponed until June 2021).

Paris, R. (2020, April). Parenting, substance use disorders and young children: Challenges, opportunities and intervention. Invited presentation at University of Maine, School of Social Work, Professional Opioid Workforce Response (POWR) Colloquium (remote presentation)

Paris, R. (2020, February). Integrating infant mental health & substance use treatment: Growing together. Invited day-long training at Adelphi University, Institute for Parenting, Garden City, NY.

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A. (2020, January) Social-emotional development in young children of mothers with substance use disorders. Presentation as part of symposium, From pregnancy through early childhood: Providing sensitive and effective interventions for mothers with substance use disorders and their children, at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, D.C.

*Maru, M., Paris, R. (2020, January). Does parenting stress mediate the effect of maternal trauma on perceived child functioning? An exploratory analysis. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Paris, R. (2020, April). “Parenting, substance use disorders and young children: Challenges, opportunities and intervention.” Invited presentation at University of Maine, School of Social Work, Professional Opioid Workforce Response (POWR) Colloquium (remote presentation)

*Beaugard, C., *Rossetti, A., *Herriott, A., & Paris, R. (2019, November). Motivation for treatment: Mothers in a parenting intervention. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA

*Maru, M. & Paris, R. (2019, November). The role of social support on PTSD among mothers of young children with experiences of trauma across the lifespan. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.

Paris, R., Rose-Jacobs, R., Short Mejia, A., **Finkelstein, N., **Gould, K., **Query, A., *Beaugard, C., & Saia, K. (2019, June). The Growing Together Study- Promoting Healthy Mother-Child Relationships: A Pragmatic Clinical Trial for Women in Opioid Treatment and Their Infants. Poster session presented at the Spring 2019 Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network of Massachusetts Summit: Improving the Care of Mothers, Infants, and Families Impacted by Perinatal Opioid Use, Sherwood, MA.

Paris, R., *Herriott, A., *Maru, M. (2019, March). Factors contributing to dropout from a therapeutic parenting intervention for mothers with substance use disorders (SUDs). Presentation as part of the paper symposium, New perspectives on maternal drug-use: Risk and protective factors for parenting, child development and interventions. Society for Research in Child Development 2019 Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Paris, R. & *Quinn, J. (2019, March). Perceptions of an attachment-based therapeutic parenting intervention for mothers with young children in substance use treatment. Presentation as part of the paper symposium, Supporting parents’ caregiving knowledge and understanding: Incorporating perspectives of parents from diverse backgrounds. Society for Research in Child Development 2019 Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Paris, R. & *Mittal, G. (2019, January). Exploring feasibility, acceptability and appropriateness of an infant mental health intervention within substance use treatment. Presentation as part of the symposium, Where does the young child fit in substance use disorder treatment?: Examining approaches to the integration of infant mental health and treatment for substance use disorder, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.

Paris, R. & *Mittal, G. (2018, May). Staff perspectives on enhancing treatment programs for substance use disorders with an infant mental health intervention. Presentation at the 16th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

Paris, R., *Herriott, A. & Holt, M. (2018, May). High-risk parenting: The interplay of trauma, substance misuse and reflective functioning. Presentation at the 16th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

Walsh, T., Gilkerson, L., Paris, R., Ribaudo, J. (2018, May). Advancing the principles of IMH across multiple disciplines and domains. Presentation at the 16th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

*Herriott, A., *Maru, M., *Kayajian, E. & Paris, R. (2018, January). Development of a parenting intervention for substance dependent mothers with trauma histories: Perspectives of clients and clinicians. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Paris, R., Sharpe, T., Spencer, R. & Kulkarni, S. (2018, January). Bridging the gap: Advancing EBP development and implementation through academic-community partnerships. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Paris, R., Manly, J. T., Majmudar, U., & Sommer, A. (2017, November). Lessons learned from applications of Child Parent Psychotherapy with substance misusing mothers and their young children. Presentation at the Annual Conference of Zero to Three, San Diego, CA.

Paris, R., Bartlett, J., & Jump Norman, V. (2017, March). Snapshots and portraits: The many ways to evaluate progress. Presentation at SAMHSA's National Child Traumatic Stress Network All Network Conference. Arlington, VA.

Paris, R., *Herriott, A., & *Quinn, J. (2017, January). Examining the feasibility of enhancing substance use treatment with a therapeutic parenting intervention. Presented as part of the symposium, Healthy from the very beginning: Integrating behavioral health and wellness within maternal, infant and early childhood programs to ensure healthy youth development, at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Paris, R. (2016, July) Evaluation lessons from Project BRIGHT: A therapeutic parenting intervention embedded in SUD treatment. Invited presentation at Pregnant and Postpartum Women Summit, CSAT, SAMHSA, Rockville, MD.

Paris, R., DeVoe, E., *Emmert-Aronson, B., Acker, M., & *Ross, A. (2016, June). Relationships between military fathers and their young children: Exploring the impact of deployment and trauma. Presentation at the 15th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Prague, Czech Republic.

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A. (2016, May). Perceived parenting stress and competence in substance dependent mothers: The importance of trauma and reflective functioning. Presentation at the 15th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Prague, Czech Republic.

Paris, R. & Sommer, A. (2016, March). Dyadic psychotherapy with traumatized substance dependent mothers and their young children. Invited presentation at Hebrew University School of Social Work.

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A. (2016, January). Exploring the impact of substance misuse, trauma and mental health on parenting young children. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, D.C.

Paris, R. & Sommer, A. (2015, September). “Project BRIGHT: Addressing parenting challenges for mothers in substance abuse treatment with their young children.” Invited Presentation, Florida Department of Children and Families, 2015 Child Protection Summit, Orlando, FL.

Paris, R., Fryer, L., Herriott, A., & Levy, R. (2015, August). Perceptions of parenting changes by substance- dependent mothers of young children after a dyadic intervention. Presented as part of a symposium, Exploring reflective functioning in at-risk mothers of young children, R. Paris (chair), at the 7th International Attachment Conference, New York, New York.

Paris, R. & Sommer, A. (2015, July). Project BRIGHT: Enhancing parenting capacities for mothers in substance abuse treatment. Presentation at the 23rd Annual Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Boston, MA.

Paris, R., Herriott, A., & Linden, K. (2015, January). Shame, stigma and maternal concern: Understanding motivation for treatment in substance abusing pregnant and postpartum women. Presented as part of a symposium, Mother With Addictions: Examining The Interplay Among Substance Misuse, Parenting And Environmental Processes, R. Paris (chair), at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Spielman, E., Sommer, A., & Paris, R. (2014, December). Understanding substance exposed newborns and their families: Lessons from research and clinical practice. Presentation at the National Training Institute, Zero to Three, Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Paris, R. & Query, A. (2020, September). The Growing Together Study: A pragmatic clinical trial for women in opioid treatment and their infants.” Invited presentation to the Grayken Center Clinical Care Committee, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA (remote presentation).

Paris, R., *Maru, M. & *Herriott, A. (2020, June). Social-emotional development in infants of mothers with substance use disorders. Presentation as part of the symposium, Interventions for mothers with substance use disorders and their infants: Pregnancy through infancy. 17th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Brisbane, Australia (Conference postponed until June 2021).

Maru, M., *Paris, R. & **Garber, K. (2020, June). Family and parenting predictors of social-emotional development of Latinx immigrant young children. Presentation as part of the symposium, Immigrant/refugee families with infants and young children: Experiences, needs and interventions (R. Paris symposium chair). 17th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Brisbane, Australia (Conference postponed until June 2021).

Paris, R., Rose-Jacobs, R., Short Mejia, A., **Query, A., & *Maru, M. (2020, June). BRIGHT: An attachment-based perinatal parenting intervention for women with opioid use disorders and their infants. Presentation as part of symposium, Innovative therapeutic interventions for infants and their parents with substance use disorders (R. Paris, symposium chair). 17th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), Brisbane, Australia (Conference postponed until June 2021).

Paris, R. (2020, April). Parenting, substance use disorders and young children: Challenges, opportunities and intervention. Invited presentation at University of Maine, School of Social Work, Professional Opioid Workforce Response (POWR) Colloquium (remote presentation)

Paris, R. (2020, February). Integrating infant mental health & substance use treatment: Growing together. Invited day-long training at Adelphi University, Institute for Parenting, Garden City, NY.

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A. (2020, January) Social-emotional development in young children of mothers with substance use disorders. Presentation as part of symposium, From pregnancy through early childhood: Providing sensitive and effective interventions for mothers with substance use disorders and their children, at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, D.C.

*Maru, M., Paris, R. (2020, January). Does parenting stress mediate the effect of maternal trauma on perceived child functioning? An exploratory analysis. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Paris, R. (2020, April). “Parenting, substance use disorders and young children: Challenges, opportunities and intervention.” Invited presentation at University of Maine, School of Social Work, Professional Opioid Workforce Response (POWR) Colloquium (remote presentation)

*Beaugard, C., *Rossetti, A., *Herriott, A., & Paris, R. (2019, November). Motivation for treatment: Mothers in a parenting intervention. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA

*Maru, M. & Paris, R. (2019, November). The role of social support on PTSD among mothers of young children with experiences of trauma across the lifespan. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA.

Paris, R., Rose-Jacobs, R., Short Mejia, A., **Finkelstein, N., **Gould, K., **Query, A., *Beaugard, C., & Saia, K. (2019, June). The Growing Together Study- Promoting Healthy Mother-Child Relationships: A Pragmatic Clinical Trial for Women in Opioid Treatment and Their Infants. Poster session presented at the Spring 2019 Perinatal-Neonatal Quality Improvement Network of Massachusetts Summit: Improving the Care of Mothers, Infants, and Families Impacted by Perinatal Opioid Use, Sherwood, MA.

Paris, R., *Herriott, A., *Maru, M. (2019, March). Factors contributing to dropout from a therapeutic parenting intervention for mothers with substance use disorders (SUDs). Presentation as part of the paper symposium, New perspectives on maternal drug-use: Risk and protective factors for parenting, child development and interventions. Society for Research in Child Development 2019 Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Paris, R. & *Quinn, J. (2019, March). Perceptions of an attachment-based therapeutic parenting intervention for mothers with young children in substance use treatment. Presentation as part of the paper symposium, Supporting parents’ caregiving knowledge and understanding: Incorporating perspectives of parents from diverse backgrounds. Society for Research in Child Development 2019 Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Paris, R. & *Mittal, G. (2019, January). Exploring feasibility, acceptability and appropriateness of an infant mental health intervention within substance use treatment. Presentation as part of the symposium, Where does the young child fit in substance use disorder treatment?: Examining approaches to the integration of infant mental health and treatment for substance use disorder, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.

Paris, R. & *Mittal, G. (2018, May). Staff perspectives on enhancing treatment programs for substance use disorders with an infant mental health intervention. Presentation at the 16th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

Paris, R., *Herriott, A. & Holt, M. (2018, May). High-risk parenting: The interplay of trauma, substance misuse and reflective functioning. Presentation at the 16th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

Walsh, T., Gilkerson, L., Paris, R., Ribaudo, J. (2018, May). Advancing the principles of IMH across multiple disciplines and domains. Presentation at the 16th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

*Herriott, A., *Maru, M., *Kayajian, E. & Paris, R. (2018, January). Development of a parenting intervention for substance dependent mothers with trauma histories: Perspectives of clients and clinicians. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Paris, R., Sharpe, T., Spencer, R. & Kulkarni, S. (2018, January). Bridging the gap: Advancing EBP development and implementation through academic-community partnerships. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Paris, R., Manly, J. T., Majmudar, U., & Sommer, A. (2017, November). Lessons learned from applications of Child Parent Psychotherapy with substance misusing mothers and their young children. Presentation at the Annual Conference of Zero to Three, San Diego, CA.

Paris, R., Bartlett, J., & Jump Norman, V. (2017, March). Snapshots and portraits: The many ways to evaluate progress. Presentation at SAMHSA's National Child Traumatic Stress Network All Network Conference. Arlington, VA.

Paris, R., *Herriott, A., & *Quinn, J. (2017, January). Examining the feasibility of enhancing substance use treatment with a therapeutic parenting intervention. Presented as part of the symposium, Healthy from the very beginning: Integrating behavioral health and wellness within maternal, infant and early childhood programs to ensure healthy youth development, at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Paris, R. (2016, July) Evaluation lessons from Project BRIGHT: A therapeutic parenting intervention embedded in SUD treatment. Invited presentation at Pregnant and Postpartum Women Summit, CSAT, SAMHSA, Rockville, MD.

Paris, R., DeVoe, E., *Emmert-Aronson, B., Acker, M., & *Ross, A. (2016, June). Relationships between military fathers and their young children: Exploring the impact of deployment and trauma. Presentation at the 15th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Prague, Czech Republic.

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A. (2016, May). Perceived parenting stress and competence in substance dependent mothers: The importance of trauma and reflective functioning. Presentation at the 15th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Prague, Czech Republic.

Paris, R. & Sommer, A. (2016, March). Dyadic psychotherapy with traumatized substance dependent mothers and their young children. Invited presentation at Hebrew University School of Social Work.

Paris, R. & *Herriott, A. (2016, January). Exploring the impact of substance misuse, trauma and mental health on parenting young children. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, D.C.

Paris, R. & Sommer, A. (2015, September). “Project BRIGHT: Addressing parenting challenges for mothers in substance abuse treatment with their young children.” Invited Presentation, Florida Department of Children and Families, 2015 Child Protection Summit, Orlando, FL.

Paris, R., Fryer, L., Herriott, A., & Levy, R. (2015, August). Perceptions of parenting changes by substance- dependent mothers of young children after a dyadic intervention. Presented as part of a symposium, Exploring reflective functioning in at-risk mothers of young children, R. Paris (chair), at the 7th International Attachment Conference, New York, New York.

Paris, R. & Sommer, A. (2015, July). Project BRIGHT: Enhancing parenting capacities for mothers in substance abuse treatment. Presentation at the 23rd Annual Colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, Boston, MA.

Paris, R., Herriott, A., & Linden, K. (2015, January). Shame, stigma and maternal concern: Understanding motivation for treatment in substance abusing pregnant and postpartum women. Presented as part of a symposium, Mother With Addictions: Examining The Interplay Among Substance Misuse, Parenting And Environmental Processes, R. Paris (chair), at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Spielman, E., Sommer, A., & Paris, R. (2014, December). Understanding substance exposed newborns and their families: Lessons from research and clinical practice. Presentation at the National Training Institute, Zero to Three, Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Principal Investigator: (2018-2021). Funder: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA, 1 R40MC317640100; $900,000). Promoting healthy mother-child relationships: A pragmatic clinical trial for women in opioid treatment and their infants. Conduct a two-armed RCT to assess the effectiveness of a therapeutic parent-infant home-based intervention aimed at improving the mother-child relationship by increasing maternal sensitivity and parenting capacities.

2016-2021: Principal Investigator of Boston University Subcontract. Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Building Resilience Through Intervention: Growing Healthier Together III (Project BRIGHT III), (PI: Norma Finkelstein, Ph. D., Institute for Health and Recovery). To evaluate Project BRIGHT III, which will provide trauma-informed, evidence-based interventions to young children birth to 6 and their parents in recovery from substance use disorders.

2016-2021: Principal Investigator of Boston University Subcontract. Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Early Connections/Conexiones Tempranos (EC/CT) (PI: Eda Spielman, Psy.D., Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Boston, Center for Early Relationship Support). To evaluate EC/CT, a community intervention for trauma exposed young children and their parents.

2014-2016: Principal Investigator of Boston University Sub-contact. Funder: NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Exploring Veteran’s Family Relationships in a Yoga Trial for Low Back Pain. Sub-study of randomized controlled trial, Yoga for Veterans with Chronic Low Back Pain (PI: Robert Saper, MD, MPH, Boston Medical Center, R01 AT005956-04S1). To study the impact of chronic low back pain on veterans and family members and evaluate yoga intervention.

2012-2017: Principal Investigator. Funder: Svenson Family Foundation via Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Greater Boston. Needs assessment and program evaluation of NESST (Newborns Exposed to Substances: Support and Treatment). Purpose of the study is to first, document and understand the needs of mothers who used prescribed medications or illegal substances while pregnant/early parenting in order to develop a program to support similar mothers and babies in the future and second, to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the intervention.

2012-2016: Principal Investigator of Boston University Sub-Contract. Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Building Resilience Through Intervention: Growing Healthier Together II (Project BRIGHT II), (PI: Norma Finkelstein, Ph. D., Institute for Health and Recovery, $1,600,000). To evaluate Project BRIGHT II, an evidence-based, trauma-informed program for mothers in Methadone and Suboxone treatment for Substance Use Disorders and their children, 0-7.

2009-2012: Principal Investigator of Boston University Sub-contract. Funder: SAMHSA (IU79SM059460-01). Building Resilience Through Intervention: Growing Healthier Together (Project BRIGHT), (PI: Norma Finkelstein, Ph.D., Institute for Health and Recovery, $1,200,000). To evaluate Project BRIGHT, an evidence-based, trauma-informed program for parents in treatment for Substance Use Disorders and their young children.

2008-2012: Co-Investigator. Family-Based Intervention With Traumatized Service Members and Their Young Children. Grant from the Department of Defense (PT074928), $1,583,844. The primary goal of this research project is to develop and test the effect of a family-based intervention designed to mitigate the adverse impact of PTSD in soldiers returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) on the soldier parent-child relationship. (PI: Ellen DeVoe, MSW, Ph.D.)

2008-2012: Principal Investigator. Primary Prevention for Very Young Children: Studying the Intervention Methods of a Home-Based Parent-Infant Treatment. Two year grant from the Centers for Women at Wellesley College to evaluate a home-based treatment for women with postpartum mood disorders and their infants.

2005-2007: Principal Investigator. Evaluation of a Home-Based Clinical Intervention for Women with Postpartum Mood Disorders and their Infants, Two year grant from The Silberman Fund, New York Community Trust to evaluate the effectiveness of a therapeutic program for women with postpartum mood disorders and their infants by using a multi-method assessment of the mother’s functioning, infant behavior, and mother-infant interactions before and after the intervention.


Principal Investigator: (2018-2021). Funder: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA, 1 R40MC317640100; $900,000). Promoting healthy mother-child relationships: A pragmatic clinical trial for women in opioid treatment and their infants. Conduct a two-armed RCT to assess the effectiveness of a therapeutic parent-infant home-based intervention aimed at improving the mother-child relationship by increasing maternal sensitivity and parenting capacities.

2016-2021: Principal Investigator of Boston University Subcontract. Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Building Resilience Through Intervention: Growing Healthier Together III (Project BRIGHT III), (PI: Norma Finkelstein, Ph. D., Institute for Health and Recovery). To evaluate Project BRIGHT III, which will provide trauma-informed, evidence-based interventions to young children birth to 6 and their parents in recovery from substance use disorders.

2016-2021: Principal Investigator of Boston University Subcontract. Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Early Connections/Conexiones Tempranos (EC/CT) (PI: Eda Spielman, Psy.D., Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Boston, Center for Early Relationship Support). To evaluate EC/CT, a community intervention for trauma exposed young children and their parents.

2014-2016: Principal Investigator of Boston University Sub-contact. Funder: NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Exploring Veteran’s Family Relationships in a Yoga Trial for Low Back Pain. Sub-study of randomized controlled trial, Yoga for Veterans with Chronic Low Back Pain (PI: Robert Saper, MD, MPH, Boston Medical Center, R01 AT005956-04S1). To study the impact of chronic low back pain on veterans and family members and evaluate yoga intervention.

2012-2017: Principal Investigator. Funder: Svenson Family Foundation via Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Greater Boston. Needs assessment and program evaluation of NESST (Newborns Exposed to Substances: Support and Treatment). Purpose of the study is to first, document and understand the needs of mothers who used prescribed medications or illegal substances while pregnant/early parenting in order to develop a program to support similar mothers and babies in the future and second, to conduct a process and outcome evaluation of the intervention.

2012-2016: Principal Investigator of Boston University Sub-Contract. Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Building Resilience Through Intervention: Growing Healthier Together II (Project BRIGHT II), (PI: Norma Finkelstein, Ph. D., Institute for Health and Recovery, $1,600,000). To evaluate Project BRIGHT II, an evidence-based, trauma-informed program for mothers in Methadone and Suboxone treatment for Substance Use Disorders and their children, 0-7.

2009-2012: Principal Investigator of Boston University Sub-contract. Funder: SAMHSA (IU79SM059460-01). Building Resilience Through Intervention: Growing Healthier Together (Project BRIGHT), (PI: Norma Finkelstein, Ph.D., Institute for Health and Recovery, $1,200,000). To evaluate Project BRIGHT, an evidence-based, trauma-informed program for parents in treatment for Substance Use Disorders and their young children.

2008-2012: Co-Investigator. Family-Based Intervention With Traumatized Service Members and Their Young Children. Grant from the Department of Defense (PT074928), $1,583,844. The primary goal of this research project is to develop and test the effect of a family-based intervention designed to mitigate the adverse impact of PTSD in soldiers returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) on the soldier parent-child relationship. (PI: Ellen DeVoe, MSW, Ph.D.)

2008-2012: Principal Investigator. Primary Prevention for Very Young Children: Studying the Intervention Methods of a Home-Based Parent-Infant Treatment. Two year grant from the Centers for Women at Wellesley College to evaluate a home-based treatment for women with postpartum mood disorders and their infants.

2005-2007: Principal Investigator. Evaluation of a Home-Based Clinical Intervention for Women with Postpartum Mood Disorders and their Infants, Two year grant from The Silberman Fund, New York Community Trust to evaluate the effectiveness of a therapeutic program for women with postpartum mood disorders and their infants by using a multi-method assessment of the mother’s functioning, infant behavior, and mother-infant interactions before and after the intervention.

Professional Activities and Certifications

2020-2021 Faculty Affiliate: Boston University Center on the Ecology of Early Development (BU CEED)

2019-present Boston University Institute for Early Childhood Well-being, Founding member of Faculty Alliance

2011-2014: Qualitative Research Consultant for R01 (NIH/NCAM, 1R01AT005956-02), Boston University School of Medicine, Yoga vs. Physical Therapy for Chronic Lower Back Pain in Minority Populations (PI: Robert Saper, M.D., M.P.H.).

2008-2013: Qualitative Research Advisor for K01 award (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism), Boston University School of Public Health. Underage alcohol use and dating abuse perpetration (PI: Emily Rothman, Sc.D.).

2009-2014: Qualitative Research Consultant for K01 award (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1K01HD058733-01A1), Tulane University School of Public Health. Prevention of child maltreatment: A focus on social norms and corporal punishment (PI: Catherine Taylor, M.S.W., M.P.H., Ph.D.).

2005-2007: Qualitative Research Consultant, Harvard School of Public Health, Impact of Domestic Violence on Cancer Treatment, Jeanne Hathaway, M.D., M.P.H., Principal Investigator

2002-present: Research consultant, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, Center for Early Relationship Support, Waltham, MA

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

Professional Activities and Certifications

2020-2021 Faculty Affiliate: Boston University Center on the Ecology of Early Development (BU CEED)

2019-present Boston University Institute for Early Childhood Well-being, Founding member of Faculty Alliance

2011-2014: Qualitative Research Consultant for R01 (NIH/NCAM, 1R01AT005956-02), Boston University School of Medicine, Yoga vs. Physical Therapy for Chronic Lower Back Pain in Minority Populations (PI: Robert Saper, M.D., M.P.H.).

2008-2013: Qualitative Research Advisor for K01 award (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism), Boston University School of Public Health. Underage alcohol use and dating abuse perpetration (PI: Emily Rothman, Sc.D.).

2009-2014: Qualitative Research Consultant for K01 award (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1K01HD058733-01A1), Tulane University School of Public Health. Prevention of child maltreatment: A focus on social norms and corporal punishment (PI: Catherine Taylor, M.S.W., M.P.H., Ph.D.).

2005-2007: Qualitative Research Consultant, Harvard School of Public Health, Impact of Domestic Violence on Cancer Treatment, Jeanne Hathaway, M.D., M.P.H., Principal Investigator

2002-present: Research consultant, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, Center for Early Relationship Support, Waltham, MA

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

Awards and Honors

2019-2020 Invited member of the Council on Social Work Education steering committee of the Task Force on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and Developmental Neuroscience.

2019 Subject matter expert, SAMHSA invited meeting, "Supporting families: bridging substance use treatment and early childhood systems.” Rockville, MD

2016-2021: Faculty Participant, SAMHSA-funded Behavioral Health Curriculum Development Initiative (competitive application to build and evaluate child-focused curricula for schools of social work)

2016-2017: Subject Matter Expert, SAMHSA-funded Mid-America ATTC Center of Excellence on Behavioral Health for Pregnant and Postpartum Women (ATTC CoE-PPW)

2016: Fulbright Specialist Grant, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel

2014 – present: Inaugural Fellow, Society for Social Work and Research

2010: Susan Hickman Memorial Research Award, Postpartum Support International

2010: Top 20 Most Influential Social Work Professors,

Awards and Honors

2019-2020 Invited member of the Council on Social Work Education steering committee of the Task Force on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and Developmental Neuroscience.

2019 Subject matter expert, SAMHSA invited meeting, "Supporting families: bridging substance use treatment and early childhood systems.” Rockville, MD

2016-2021: Faculty Participant, SAMHSA-funded Behavioral Health Curriculum Development Initiative (competitive application to build and evaluate child-focused curricula for schools of social work)

2016-2017: Subject Matter Expert, SAMHSA-funded Mid-America ATTC Center of Excellence on Behavioral Health for Pregnant and Postpartum Women (ATTC CoE-PPW)

2016: Fulbright Specialist Grant, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel

2014 – present: Inaugural Fellow, Society for Social Work and Research

2010: Susan Hickman Memorial Research Award, Postpartum Support International

2010: Top 20 Most Influential Social Work Professors,
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